20. Time

221 12 0

|| A/N: explicit mentions of death, violence and abuse ||








At the Japanese HQ, everyone agreed to "elect" Light the new leader and "L" of the task-force. 

«Yeah, even Ryuzaki said it...that you'd be capable of succeeding L» Matsuda pointed out, continuing Aizawa's previous statement.

"So easy...There's no challenge without Ryuzaki here" Light thought by himself.

They decided that Soichiro would hide the Death Note from that moment. Now that they complied with the fact that Kira existed and he was using a different notebook. What they didn't know, or just weren't able to see, was that Kira was in front of them pretending to suffer from L's death.

The countdown clock that the orphanage caretaker had been keeping track of had finally reached zero. A message appeared on the phone, "L is dead."

«It's time...» Roger Ruvie, the orphanage caretaker, muttered to himself with a concerned tone. He stood up from his armchair and walked in the corridor towards one of the many playrooms. One of the teachers greeted Roger but he didn't answer back. Instead, he grabbed a boy's arm.

«Mello...and Near, come to my room. You too, Miss Asami»



Roger's office was almost completely empty except for a library between two windows behind his desk. No tables, no plants and no decorations. That was pretty sad, Ryoko thought. With her, in the office there were two children: one with chin-length golden-blond hair and blue eyes, whose bangs hanged down just over his eyebrows, the other sitting on the ground doing a puzzle, grey eyes and white shaggy hair and wearing a white, long-sleeved pyjama.

Ryoko stood next to the door while Roger sat at his desk; he conjoined his hands in front of his face looking at the two kids with worry.

«So Roger? Why did you want to see us?» the blonde kid asked him, he seemed fed up.

«I received a message...L is dead»

Hearing that was still painful for Ryoko. She thought Roger didn't know how and who did it but she knew it very well. Too well indeed. She couldn't imagine the pain in those two kids, so young yet so skilful.

«What? How...» the blonde kid asked him again and Roger mumbled something in a low voice. «How...are you saying he was killed by Kira?»

Once again Roger didn't respond at first but then he simply said «That could be»

The blonde kid was shocked and angered by the news. However, the white one was completing his puzzle like nothing happened.

«Are you saying he swore to send him to the gallows but Kira killed him instead?!» he spoke with fury in his voice, grasping Roger's shoulders in the process.

«Indeed» finally Ryoko spoke and the blonde kid let Roger go and turned towards her. «Kira killed him» she repeated and walked close to Roger, leaning against the library. She observed carefully both of them: the blonde one, Mello, seemed to be more emotionally involved in all this while the other one, Near, acted as if it was a normal day at the Wammy's House.

Ryoko saw Mello curling his hands into fists, he was clearly boiling from rage. «Your predecessor said you two are quite skilful and I want to believe him. As I said previously to Roger, he left a message for you two. If you need something, I'll be in the music classroom» she bowed at everyone and before leaving the office she glared at Mello (the only one who was actually looking at her) with a dark stare. The blonde boy backed off a bit but maintained a stoic expression; the white kid continued his puzzle.

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