12. Fusao

394 22 47

|| (A/N: be careful, description of violence ahead) ||




«If he really thinks that a bunch of loving words could be enough to make me fall at his feet, he is completely wrong»

«Don't you love him, girl?»

«It's not that...of course he mesmerises me, I like everything about him. His words are the problem...he admitted that he lies to people and what makes me different from other people?»

«Maybe the fact that you knocked out L's handler and former right-hand man after three days in confinement, you uncovered the death of one of L's major agents before anyone else and you didn't freak out when you were kidnapped. Yeah, I wonder why he chose you»

«Gynos, please, anyone wise enough could do those things»

«I watched humans long enough to say that the cake-addicted guy is testing more himself than you»

The last bell rang meaning all lessons finished for that day but Ryoko had none in that moment. She left the building followed by Gynos who, that particular day, was acting quite impudent. Once outside the building, Ryoko was almost tackled on the ground by someone trying to hug her.



«Hello Asami-chan» Matsuda greeted her once he reached Misa.

«Hi guys...what are you doing here?» Ryoko asked while adjusting her clothes.

«Matsu told me about e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g! L confessed to you, I knew it!» she was squealing like a fangirl.

«He only said he has affection for me, it could be simple friendship Misa»

«It's not "simple friendship" if he tries to ruin another guy's life because he is jealous, Asami-chan» Misa told her acting as love expert of the situation. «You have to tell me every detail!»


It was late night at the HQ and Ryoko had to read a book for the next lesson. She couldn't study in her room so she decided to find Ryuzaki. She searched in the lounge but he wasn't there; later Ryoko walked towards the monitoring room and luckily she found him.

Light was snoring lightly on the desk while L was working on his laptop. She walked closer to him and waited until he noticed her.

«Did you need something, Asami-chan?» he turned slightly his metallic swivel chair towards her.

«Is that seat taken?» she pointed at him. L looked down where Ryoko's finger was pointing and frowned a little.

«That's my lap» he looked at her with clear confusion.

«I know what I said» she replied pouting. However, Ryoko didn't give him the time to reply that she adjusted his lap so she could sit: she opened more his legs, without "ruining" his crouched posture, and sat between them. Her back faced L's chest and at her sides were his knees; then Ryoko opened the book and started to read it.

On the other hand, L couldn't help but blush. Not for the gesture per se but for how bold Ryoko was in that moment. He was so close to her that he could smell her fruity shampoo.

Eventually few minutes later he recomposed himself and continued to work. He didn't mind Ryoko's presence that close to him, she wasn't obstruct him in any way. On the contrary, L really like how Ryoko's figure wedged between his legs and from his point of view he could see the curve of her back and shoulders and how thin were her hair.

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