3. Investigations

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Name: Ryoko Koike

Birth: 15th march 19xx

Current occupation: student at the Skylight Institute

Blood type: AB

Height: 170cm (67 inches)

Weight: 60kg (132 pounds)

«Who is she, Ryuzaki?»

«The number one suspect for the deaths at Yokohama»

«Wha-Really?» the first voice asked in disbelief.

«She is so young...» a third voice pointed out.

«She is. However, I have to do further investigations...» Ryuzaki replied bored.

A group of police officers was reunited in a fancy hotel room somewhere at Tokyo. The room was not much illuminated, the only source of light was the bright screen of Ryuzaki's computer. He was the main leader of the Anti-Kira task-force there in Japan: they were not only investigating about the first Kira but also about that new series of deaths at Yokohama.

«That confirms Ryuzaki's theory about Kira being a college student» one voice said.

«It's not a theory: it's a matter of fact» finally Ryuzaki spoke, his mouth full of ice-cream. «This young woman is the other Kira...but I need more evidences»

«The patrol is still following her...if she makes a wrong move, they will arrest her»

However, Ryuzaki wasn't paying much attention to them, he had a lot in mind. He was thinking back at his encounter with the suspect, Miss Koike. That encounter changed something inside him, something well-hidden for years. He was keeping a patrol behind her but if she was as clever as he thought, she already noticed it. The two agents followed her everywhere: at school, at the gym, with her friend Eriko and even at home, but they didn't find anything relevant about her.

«I have to do a drastic move...» he said almost whispering.



Many weeks passed since the encounter between Ryoko and that weird guy, Hideki. She didn't believe him when he said he was L: that was no way he could find her, that must be some sort of tactic.

The police patrol kept following her as Gynos remarked many times (he was annoyed by them despite the agents could not see him). During that time, she and the Shinigami got along a lot: she learnt he loved gambling and playing a strange game very famous in the Shinigami realm; he loved bed time (because the silence in the house had something special, as he once said) even if he didn't sleep and his behaviour changed drastically (he was quite distant and cold even, but with time he became more protective towards her).

Ryoko's day ended smoothly: her grades were obviously excellent and she had good scores in the sport clubs too. Before coming back home she wanted to relax in the park a bit, just to clear her mind.

«You know, Ryoko, those days you were acting strange...» Gynos pointed out flying right behind her.


«You seem...distracted. That weird guy is still in your mind?»

Ryoko sighed. It was true, Hideki Ryuga was still in her mind. She couldn't forget their encounter so easily. «What if he is L...for real? This means he already suspects me...» Ryoko was a bit anxious about that whole situation. She was scared, she was in fear...she felt in trap like an animal.

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