14. Her

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Ryoko was hugging her pillow during her sleep: it was warm, soft and the breath was so steady...


Steady breath?

A pillow?

Ryoko woke up suddenly. She had a clear image in her head of the moment she hugged her pillow to fall asleep faster. So why she felt that something was off?

She rubbed her light brown eyes to remove the last traces of sleepiness and looked where her pillow was supposed to be and she gulped in surprise. There was no pillow! Ryuzaki took its place instead.

"Why is he here? This pervert snuck during the night..." she chuckled and sat on the bed observing the cute scene in front of her: L was lying on his left side, knees pressed against his chest (as if he was sitting normally) and thumb over his pale lips. From his breath he seemed deeply asleep.

Ryoko moved away some of his black locks from his face to watch him better. L had a long, roman nose, no eyebrows or facial features, resulting from the mixture of European and Japanese blood. He looked like a white sheet (or canvas) ready to be painted with a wonderful work of art.

She touched his cheek: no reaction. "He must be a heavy sleeper" she thought. She tried again caressing his cheek. Ryoko entered in a state of pure bliss because his skin was so soft: no imperfections or wrinkles. It was like touching a baby's skin.

"I would sound crazy if I want to know his body odour? Maybe yes..."

Then her gaze moved down. "Damn, that jawline is so sharp!" (a/n: episode 22 if you want to check >w> ). She traced the line of the bones and oh dear if it was sharp. Almost cutting.

Ryoko was still in her bliss state when Ryuzaki woke up (and she didn't notice it). She was going to poke L's cheek one more time but something stopped her. She looked down and saw L's intense stare and his hand that caught her finger. She yelled in surprise and she almost fell over the bed but Ryuzaki caught her by the wrist, "saving" her from the fall.

«What were you doing?» he asked once Ryoko laid beside him on the bed.

«M-Me? Nothing!» she tried to sneak away from L but he blocked her against the mattress.

«Confess, Asami-chan. I caught you on the crime scene near the body» he grabbed the other wrist so Ryoko would not slip away from him. Luckily he was not on top of her but Ryoko was blushing anyway.

«Fine! I'll confess!» she tried to wiggle out of his grasp in vain. «I was touching your flawless skin»

«It's not enough, Asami-chan...there's more» his face was few centimetres far from Ryoko.

«You're too close L!» she uttered still in a blushing mess but he didn't move a muscle. «Your skin is so soft! It's like touching a baby, I couldn't help myself!» Ryoko replied all in one breath just to put an end to that embarrassing situation.

L's gaze softened and freed her from his grasp. «That's it, Asami-chan»

Ryoko sat on the mattress again and adjusted her PJs and hair. «Why are even here in the first place?»

«What do you mean "why"? I'm your significant other, I'm allowed to sleep with you»

«Who told you this?»

«Misa-san hinted at it, once» L put his thumb against his lips in a thoughtful manner. Ryoko sighed at that sight.

«Married people sleep together, L. Or engaged couples» Ryoko didn't know if L was serious or if he just playing with her. Could someone like L being so "inexperienced" about couple habits?

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