8. The metro

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30th august 2004. Luckily, days started to become colder and Ryoko needed new clothes for the freezing winter at University. That morning she woke up a bit early (and in her house at Yokohama), outside it was sunrise. The first shy, pink rays coloured her bedroom with the same colour shade.

«Good morning, girl» Gynos was staring at her from the desk. «Did you sleep well?»

«Mmhh∼...» Ryoko complained, blaming herself because she wanted to sleep more. Then she scratched her messy black hair and climbed down from her bunk bed. As the Shinigami used to do with her, he patted her head in a gentle manner, just to see her smile.

«I miss the HQ's queen sized bed...» she told quietly with her raspy morning voice. At this point, Gynos was used to that kind of conversations since Ryoko could not answer directly to him because of the cameras in her house. So he didn't argue when she didn't reply at his question.

«It's pretty early, no one is awake»

«First: shower...then breakfast»

Ryoko took a very long, hot shower before changing in more comfortable clothes and having breakfast. That day she wanted to go shopping at Kawasaki, at the shopping centre: sales started a few days ago and she wanted to freshen up her wardrobe. Moreover, a new mall opened there and she wanted to take a look at the new shops.

It was 7am when Ryoko went to the kitchen and arrange a frugal meal: a plentiful plate of muesli and orange juice. She prepared the coffee machine for her mother and went back to her bedroom to put on makeup and to wash the teeth.

At 7.30am she was ready. She decided to wear nothing excessive: a simple no sleeve yellow shirt, a long, white and green striped skirt and black sneakers. Ryoko tied her hair too and then left her house, leading towards the train station. She hoped to find something interesting (and cute) at the shopping centre, she loved comfy and poofy clothes on winter.



Here there was: "The Humble Kettle". That shopping centre caught everyone's attention not only because of the strange name but because it was immense. And by "immense" I mean it: with more than 2000 m2 you can easily get lost. However, thanks to the many panels and maps you could find the exit with the same ease you got lost.

Two entire hours (and many jumpers) later, Ryoko was feeling a certain languor but it was too early for lunch so she decided to buy two melon buns (A/N: a type of sweet bun made from an enriched dough covered in a thin layer of crisp cookie dough): one chocolate flavoured and the other black cherry flavoured.

«Girl! Is that...a sort of casino?!» Ryoko almost suffocated with her own melon bun when she heard Gynos' voice so close to her ears. She turned and saw a large neon sign: "Starcade Game Junction".

She mumbled something that sounded like «No, it's an amusement arcade»

«Let's go! I wanna play!» the Shinigami flew towards it, people unaware that a God of Death was passing through them. Ryoko sighed, unsure if she had to follow Gynos or not. Few minutes later she decided to go with him, for once she could please him with that. After all, he did so much for her since his arrival on Earth...she could grant him that wish.

Ryoko had to admit that place was huge and colourful: there were a lot of old-fashioned games, claw cranes, dance games, photo booths and so on; the place was decorated with many neon lights and vintage signs and the floor had a wall-to-wall carpeting that softened each step. Despite Gynos could not physically play, he found out new and entertaining games he could do with other Shinigami back on his Realm.

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