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"Miss!" A distressed voice echoed through the darkness. 

"Miss! Please wake up!" 

Angelique felt her shoulders being shaken, dragging her out from deep slumber she had so naively hoped to never awake from. Slowly, her heavy lashed peeled open. Fist thing she saw was a worried expression of Irina. The maid was leaning over her where she had passed out yesterday, still slumped against the wall. 

"Thank God," Irina sighed when she saw her eyes finally open. "Are you alright, miss? Do you want me to call a doctor?" 

"No." She croaked. Her vocal cords were dry as sandpaper. "Don't call anyone." It hadn't been a nightmare after all. The gilded cage was just as real as the invisible shackles on her wrists and heavy weights on her shoulders. 

"Are you sure? You look pale." Irina pressed. 

"I said I'm fine." She didn't mean to snap. Irina was not to blame for what had happened. "I'm sorry. I didn't meant to-" 

"It's quite alright, miss." The dark haired woman gave her a wry smile. "I will draw you a bath." 

Angelique wanted to protest, but no words came out. Her eyes stopped at a box Irina was holding. As if to read her thoughts, the woman explained, "It's a dress. Mr. Ivanov wants you to wear it when you eat dinner tonight." 

"Dinner...with him?" 

"Of course. He has requested your presents." Irina handed her the box before shuffling off to the bathroom. Sound of running water drummed against her ears. She felt her stomach coil at the thought of seeing that man again. Peering into the box, she found a beautiful white dress and set of matching color lingerie. Her fingers trembled and the lump in her throat made it impossible to breath. 

"You were asleep for a long time. I was beginning to worry." Irina's voice cut through her troubled thoughts. Shortly after, the maid emerged from the lavish bathroom, thin smile on her lips. "Your bath will be ready soon. I shall leave you to it, but please do call if you need anything." Her gaze lingered, awaiting a response that never came. 

After the black haired woman had left, eerie silence settled in the room. Angelique drew in a deep breath. 

Be brave. 

The warm water hardly soothed the wreck that had become of her nerves. She wished more than ever that minutes would turn into hours, anything to keep her from coming face to face with that monster. Angelique sat inside the bath until the water had become cold and her fingers had wrinkled. 

A whole hour later, she was dressed and ready. Irina had returned to help her with her hair and make up. Her breaths were shallow and her fingers clung to the soft material of her dress as the maid lead her down the waving hallways to the dining room. 

Nikolai was already waiting when she entered. He sat like a king at the end of the table, his unyielding gaze stopping her in her tracks. His tattooed arms were set on full display with his black shirt rolled up. Heat spread through her like wildfire when he sized her up from head to toe. 

A satisfied hum rumbled through his chest. "You look lovely." His voice was hoarse and his expression one of stone. She couldn't read what he was thinking, but she saw the heat dancing beneath those sharp grey eyes. 

"Sit." He ordered. 

Angelique hesitated before settling into a chair across from him. Nikolai looked greatly dissatisfied by this, but didn't say a word. His stare never wavered, she felt it burning her skin even when she refused to meet it. Her eyes were cast down towards empty plate in front of her. 

"You think I'm a monster, don't you?" His voice rumbled, forcing her to look back up. Nikolai stroked his chin, lips pulled in thin line. 

Be brave. 

"You have proven yourself to be a monster." Angelique spoke, her soft, feminine voice a stark contrast to his rough tone. 

Nikolai regarded her in silence for a moment longer. "You really don't remember me, huh?" 

This made her frown deeply. "Remember you?" Before the night in club she had never met him. 

He didn't respond to that. The man sunk back into the chair, thick eyebrows knit together. "Does the room suit your taste, Angel?" He changed the topic, leaving her deeply confused. 

"I like it as much as I would like a prison cell." 

"You won't lack anything here. You belong to me now, and I will ensure you have everything you could ever want. You just have to tell me." 

"I want my freedom." 

The look in his eyes sharpened. "Everything besides that." 

"Then I need nothing from you." Silence settled between them, broken by sound of servants entering with platters of food. Nikolai didn't spare them a single glance. He didn't look away from her as if she would poof in the thin air if he did. 

Delicious smell made her stomach growl in demand. She hadn't realized how hungry she was until now. Hungry enough to disregard his unwavering gaze. They ate in silence for a while until a thought crossed her mind. 

"There is one thing I want from you." Angelique said halfway through the meal. Nikolai didn't say anything, but she knew he was listening. She felt his eyes on her. "There's a dance competition coming up. I have the lead role. I want to....attend it." Dance was her life. She had put in her sweat and blood to prepare for it. Fate might've twisted her life beyond recognition, but there was nothing she wished more than to participate. 

Nikolai looked like he was pondering the idea. "No." The single sharp word cut through like a knife. 

"Dancing is all I have left. Please." She looked into his steely silver eyes.

"I like it when you beg." The cruel words sparked hope, that was quick to turn into dread. "I will allow it if you earn it." 

Suddenly the food was crawling its way back up her throat. "How?" The question sent waves of terror through her. What other monstrous thing did he have in store for her?

"With your body."

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