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The time was like quicksand, running out faster than she could blink. 

It took every ounce of effort to pry Zoe from the integration session. If they were meant to meet again, she would answer every question. Now, however, she had to get back to the mansion before her absence had struck notice. 

The looming though that it probably already has made her insides turn liquid. 

Pushing those dark thoughts to the back of her head, Angelique rushed down the dark red corridors. The tingling in her spine got the small hair on her arms standing on end. You robbed the mob boss. The gnawing voice within her reminded. You stole his money. He has killed for less.

She swallowed dryly. No turning back now. If he chose to dump her corpse at the bottom of the sea, she at least knew it was for a good cause. Nikolai was vicious when angry. And this would most certainly make him angry

Angelique rounded the corner in hurry and - 

She whumped straight into something. No. Someone

The person grunted with the collision. Two men stood short way from the exit, and she had ran head first into one of them. Losing her balance, the young woman fell straight on her butt. Damn, the landing wasn't smooth. Sharp pain rushed through her like a bullet when she caught most of her weight on her bad arm. 

"Well, well..." A voice made her look up. 

Her blood turned cold. She knew these men. Nikolai's goons, the very same ones he had gathered in his office to find out who had arranged the attack. 

"Is the little Angel lost?" She did not like his tone. Low and menacing. 

"This certainly changes things, huh." The other man grunted. 

"She's just his bedroom toy." The first man stated dully, tang of disdain in his voice.

"I don't think so, Alik." The nameless man stepped closer to where she was still sitting on the ground. Angelique scurried away, but froze on the spot before she could properly stand. In a flash the man had his gun pointed at her head. "Up." He barked. 

When she didn't move, he growled. "Get up or I will shoot you." 

The young woman slowly shuffled onto her feet. Something told her that these men weren't really working for Nikolai. That her previous fear of his wrath was nothing compared to what they would do to her if she disobeyed. 

"She'll be a dead weight." Alik glared at his companion.

"No. She is his weakness." The man cut in, sizing her up from toe. "You will be a smart girl and do as we say." It wasn't a question. It was a warning. One his gloved hands shot out, grasping her forearm in a painful hold. 

On pure instinct, Angelique tugged on her arm, only to be sharply pulled against the rough man's chest. He was unpleasant through and through. His aging features wrinkled in fearsome scowl and lips formed into a sneer.

A vibe of petty gangster radiated off of the duo in waves. They would not hesitate to put a hole in her if she as much as took a step in the wrong direction. 

"We have to hurry up." Alik stressed. "I don't want this whole deal going south because you picked up his whore." 

Angelique grit her teeth not to say anything to that. "What the hell do you want from me-" 

"Shut your pretty trap before I chose to do it." The man holding her spat, tugging on her arm harder to force her to move. 

She regretted not choosing a different route. If she had gone through the club instead of backdoor nothing like this would've happened. 

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