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Your debt has been payed. 

Brutal. His unyielding silver eyes were burned into her memory. Even in her dreams she saw them gazing down at her coldly, she felt his callous hands pinning her down, his lips on her own....

The memory sent shivers down her spine. Nearly a week had passed since then, and yet she still couldn't escape from him. That man had invaded her mind. 

"Are you listening?" A voice suddenly spoke across the table. Dale's slightly worried face came into sight when she lifted her gaze from cup of coffee she had been clenching in her hands. 

"Yeah. I'm sorry," Angelique managed a weak smile. "I just have a lot on my mind." 

Even on a date, I can't lock him out of my mind. 

"Is it about the competition? You have nothing to worry about. You're an amazing dancer." Dale beamed. He reached across the table, gently taking her hand into his. "I actually can't wait to perform the dance with you." His voice was soft, flirty. The light haired school hottie was nothing like Nikolai. He was warm and sweet. 

Her own lips formed a genuine smile. "Me too. Though, I do need to practice that lifting part. I still struggle to hold balance." 

"We can practice it. My room has enough space-" Dale paused, clearing his throat. "I didn't mean anything with that. I really did mean practicing the routine. I-" He sighed. "I'm such an idiot. How badly did I mess up?" 

A quiet chuckle burst through her lips. "You didn't. Actually, I think it's a good idea." 

Relief rushed over his sunny features. "Sometimes I can act dumb when I'm around beautiful girls." Dale chuckled. "Do you wanna come over and practice then? My house isn't far from here." 

"Why not." Angelique said with a smile, her cheeks flushed by the sneaky compliment. 

Dale was a charmer. He never let silence settle between them. Quiet laughs and flirt was exchanged as the two left the cozy coffee shop. He was the perfect gentleman, walking closer to the driving side of the road, holding her gently by the hand, and even offering over his denim jacket when cold made her shiver. 

There was no woman in this world that wouldn't want a boyfriend like him. He made her feel relaxed for the first time in very long. Perhaps she could leave those awful events behind her after all. 

"Welcome to my humble home!" Dale spread out his arms as the pair entered a two story house. It was not a mansion, but certainly one of the more expensive homes in the neighborhood with ample windows and spacious rooms. "Do you want something to drink?" 

"No, thank you." Angelique still stood in the doorway. Why the hell was she hesitating to enter past hallway? She had been so relaxed out on the street, and now she felt more tense than ever. 

"Come on, don't just stand there. Treat this as your home. My parents are on a vacation, so it's only the two of us." Dale's voice dropped an octave. His expression was serious as he looked at her, before the smile returned. "You don't have a reason to feel nervous."

"I am not nervous." A lie. "I am just struggling to feel at home in a stranger's house." 

"Ouch. We are not strangers." 

"It's not really how I meant it-" 

Dale chuckled. "I get it. I would be the same if I was you. Totally normal. My room is upstairs." 

Ugh. Get a grip of yourself. Nothing is going to happen, why the hell you are acting so stupid!?

Angelique scolded herself, finally taking a step into the living room. Dale had mentioned his mom being an interior designer. It certainly showed. Everything was arranged with accuracy of someone caring for details and color combinations. 

"It's a beautiful house." She blurt out, following him up the curved staircase. "I used to want to be a designer. Never really had the knack for it, though." 

"Odd. I think you would make a wonderful designer." Dale glanced down at her over his shoulder. "You give out an impression of being good at everything." 

"That's so not true." Angelique shook her head. "Opposite in fact. I am bad at so many things, it should be illegal to let me do them in first place."

"For example?" 

"Parking backwards." 

"Is anyone ever good at that?" He gave her a lopsided grin, closing the door behind her. His room was tidier then she had expected from a collage boy, almost as if he had cleaned it on purpose. 

Dale was quick to fill the room with all too familiar beats of music, and push an arm chair to the corner to make more room. "Ready?" 

Angelique nodded, dropping her bag onto his bed. Her body fell into motion, agile movements bringing her closer to the dance partner who was watching her intently. His strong arms came to rest on her thin waist, guiding her to the beat. 

Swiftly, he swirled her around and lifted her above his head. Dale wasn't too muscular, but he was strong. Her weight balanced itself out, allowing his hands to adjust her into the right position. This was nothing like dancing around the pole. This wasn't just dance. It was art. 

When Angelique danced, all troubles seemed to flow away. It was just them. When her feet touched the ground, she was already moving into the next step that brought their bodies close together. Dale's grip on her sides tightened more than it should, causing her to halt. Suddenly, he was no longer dancing. He was staring at her. 

Angelique felt her heart flip. Without a word, he leaned closer. 

"Dale-" His lips were pressed against her own in a butterfly light kiss. This was what she had been daydreaming about for ages, and now it was happening, but....

"What the hell." Angelique pushed back, creating a distance between the two. 

Dale was lost for words, panting. "I-...I'm sorry. I thought you wanted this. I didn't mean to startle you." 

His apology fell on deaf ears. "No." She shook her head. Anxiety surged over her in crashing waves. "I will be leaving now." 

"Angel wait-" 

"Don't you call me that!" 

Dale had never heard her snap like this. The boy was left frozen in middle of the bedroom with the music playing in background as she rushed out. "I'm sorry! I didn't know I was doing something wrong! Please wait! I promise I won't do anything!" 

She never responded. The door slammed shut behind her with a reverberating bang. Her heart was droning in her ears like war-drum. Her steps quickly carried her away from Dale's house. The girl didn't dare to slow down the jog until the building was out of sight. Only then she fell back into a normal pace, heavy breaths burning her lungs. 

Angel. Why the hell did he call me Angel!?

She couldn't bear to hear that name coming from a boy she liked. He had promised to just dance, but for men, it was simply not enough. 

"I'm such a fool...." She murmured, brushing back her blond hair in frustration. 

Evening had already tinted the sky dark, and not many people were walking the streets. In her hurry, she hadn't been aware of her somewhat eerie surroundings, nor the footsteps that had fallen into sync with her own. 

"Angel." A low, gruff voice echoed from behind her. 

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