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2 years later....

New York - Broadway. 

Spotlights. Applause. She stared into the dark crowd from the stage. Fellow dancers fell into line besides her to bow for the public. Clapping of hands and a couple of cheers echoed through the auditorium in waves. The performers bent their heads, some accepting flowers from their fans. 

Her dream had come true. The yellow roses a ten year old girl pressed into her arms reminded her of how far she had come since the day in the hospital. 

Angelique never saw him again. Even now, she looked at the crowd in naive hope catch a glimpse of those stormy grays. 

He had ensured she recovered, even sent her money when she moved to New York a month later. She refused to accept a single cent. Nikolai had made his choice that day. Power over love. 

Hurt, miserable and heartbroken, she left behind her old life to start over. But even then, no man had concurred her heart. It would forever belong to him - her kidnapper and lover. She would forever be his angel, he would forever be the monster that selfishly stole away her soul. 

"That was amazing." A familiar voice cheered the second dancers got off the stage. Zoe stood on the side, holding a red-haired boy to her hip. Toby looked like a male, baby version of his mother. Big green eyes, red hair - born a charmer. Whoever was the father, he got the best features. All future ladies had to be careful. 

"I thought you wouldn't make it." Angelique beamed, pulling her friend into a tight hug. 

"Ew. You're sweaty." 

"Sorry - did you miss the two hours of me dancing my ass off?" She retorted playfully. 

Zoe grinned. "How could I miss that. Maybe you suck at stripping, but you pulled quite a number there. You have a talent." 

"Hello. This is Broadway. I wouldn't be here if I didn't have talent. And you wouldn't be here if I wasn't one of the performers." 

"Since when are you so cocky?" Zoe chuckled, adjusting slightly cranky Toby in her arms. 

"You mean powerful, confident young woman?" Angelique joked, her lips easing into a light-hearted smile.

"Huh. The same." The red head rolled her eyes. "Toby is getting tired. I know you wanted to grab a coffee-" 

"It's quite alright. Go home, you need the rest. I am glad you could make it." She assured. 

"How could I not? After everything you did for me this is the least I could do." 

"You have to stop bringing that up every time we meet." 

Truth was, Zoe had returned the favor when Angelique first came to New York. They grew closer than ever, helped each other through hard times. Let it be finding a job or going to physiotherapy after the car crash, or raising Toby - they stuck together. 

Angelique still mourned her father's death. Those were bad days, but she was never alone with them. Amanda was there. Zoe was there. She had friends and new life, without the one person she wished to have a new life with....

Saying quick goodbye to the lucky mother and her adorable son, she made her way to the changing rooms. Next big act was on Wednesday, which gave her plenty of time to rest. Amanda had suggested dating, but the thought alone made her stomach twist in knots. 

"Wanna join us for a drink?" One of the fellow dancers asked as they left through the staff exit. 

"No thanks. I'm a bit tired. I will go home." Angelique refused politely, adjusting the duffle bag over her shoulder. 

"Suit yourself. Have a great night!" 

She waved to her colleagues while fishing out her headphones from the massive mess that was her bag. The young woman was about to give up when the world came to a crashing halt with a single word. A single male voice. 


The bag fell onto the ground. Her eyes widened. Every nerve in her body stood at end. No..that couldn't possibly be...She swiveled around, and her heart nearly stopped. Deep grey eyes stared back at her.

Nikolai was leaning against the hood of a black car, dressed in his signature black suit. His hair were shorter, slicked back neatly, and the stubble trimmed to a five o'clock shadow. The intensity in his gaze hadn't changed. The grey orbs carried the same sharpness she had fallen for so helplessly. 

"You're more beautiful than I remember..." He whispered, slowly approaching her. 

""What...why?" Angelique stammered. She couldn't put together a single sentence, shocked. 

"I quit." 

Her eyes widened. 

"It took time. But I quit....for you...and for myself..." Hesitantly, he reached out to caress her blond hair. "I can't ask you to be with me. You would never be safe. But I had to see you again. These two years...I couldn't stop thinking about you. Every day and every night, I wished you were besides me." A slow smile unfurled on his lips. "You've gotten so far. I'm glad to see you doing well." 

The blur of emotions made her tremble. Without thinking, she threw her arms around him. "You quit." Her voice shook. 

Nikolai wrapped his arms around her tightly. "I did." 

"What are you gonna do now?" 

"I don't know. I was raised to be a vile man. I have to find a new purpose." He whispered in her hair, resting his cheek against the crown of her head. 

"You say that I will be in danger if I stay with you, but I feel the most at ease right now than I've been in two years." Angelique murmured, pulling back slightly to look into his eyes. "I want to be with you." 

"Even after everything I did?" 

"I still haven't forgiven you fully..." She admitted. "Someday, I will." 

Nikolai caressed her cheek, resting his forehead against her own. "This is how it was supposed to be." 

"What exactly?" 

"Our reunion. It was supposed to be like this, not the shit-show from two years ago." 

She chuckled softly. "Yeah." Her eyes drifted close. "I kept my promise. You have part of my soul, no one else can have it but you." 

Nikolai tightened his grip on her. "And you have my soul. Only you, Angelique." He tilted up her chin. "Look at me." 

She did. His eyes were full of emotion. "Forgive me. I can't promise to be a good man, but I will try every day to become better, to keep the darkness at bay. Will you..." He trailed off. "I hope one day, you will find it in you to forgive me." 

"Nikolai, I-" Angelique felt tears raising forth. She didn't hold them back, letting him wipe them away. "I love you." 

"I have always loved you, Angel." He admitted, leaning to lock their lips in a deep kiss. It was filled with passion, love and longing so strong, her legs nearly gave out. 

"One day, I will be a man worthy of your love. That's my new promise to you." 

"And I promise to be there for you every step at the way."

Angelique pulled him into a deep kiss. She was his angel, and he was the monster that stole her heart - man of darkness, that she showed the light to. Their love was taboo, something that should't exist, but it was real, burning....and strong. 

Thank you for reading this story! It took a lot of energy to write it, but I am quite satisfied with the result. Thank you all for the votes and comments as well! They make my day and keep me motivated to write. I am currently working on a new novel (For all the werewolf lovers out there), something more light-hearted and fun. I hope you will come by to check out my other stories! See you around!

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