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Her doe-like eyes were wide open and color drained from her flushed cheeks. The shock written across her face made his lips curl into a simper. His Angel was at the loss of words. 

She demeaned him. Feared him. Her shoulders were tense with discomfort as she gazed at him. Nikolai was a patient man. He waited for those parted plump lips to finally give out an answer. He watched how they parted and closed with no sounds produced. 

"No." Her voice was timid, quiet as a distant whisper. "No...I won't do that." Angelique shook her head. 

His fingers curled into a fist. 

"You could pay off your father's debt in one night." 

She shook her head as if it was the most horrendous thing she had heard. There was spark of something else behind her wary gaze, something he couldn't stand to witness in her eyes - defiance.

"I will dance for as long as it might take. I will pay off my dad's debt. But," She stood up harshly. "I won't sell myself to anyone." She wished her voice wouldn't tremble like it did when she looked into those silvery grey eyes. 

A moment of silence befell the room. A thumb stroked the line of Nikolai's bottom lip, darkened wild gaze fixed upon the brave woman. 

"Excuse me." Her golden locks swirled from her shoulders to her back. She turned and left without another word or glance at the man who still sat at the end of the table. Adrenaline made her legs move faster down the corridor, sound of her own raging heartbeat blocking noise of footsteps of behind her. 

Short, bulky man appeared in the doorway moments after she had stormed out from the private lounge. 

"Do you want me to bring her back?" Dog questioned, arms crossed over the barrel shaped chest. 

"No." Nikolai's taunt tone and gaze alike exposed brutal nature buried under the handsome facade. The single word rung authority, one that young angel had dared to cross. Everyone here knew not to step on his toes, and she was ought to learn soon enough. 

"Call Marina. I want to see her in my private chambers in thirty minutes. And arrange a special dance." 

She had refused to go the easy way. Now he had no choice but to go the hard way.


"Whoo! That was far better than your first time!" Zoe cheered when Angelique had shambled off of the stage with roughly hundred bucks squished between her fingers. "Next time though, concentrate less on pointing your toes and more on climbing that pole and showing some ass." The busty red head wrapped a slender arm around her shoulders. "You got the crowd going nuts for you." 

"That's not true. I still suck at this." The money in her hand hardly was enough. A week had passed since she first arrived at the club, and she had earned only couple hundred dollars. In this rate, it would take her years to pay off her father's debt. No amount of his apologies could be enough. 

"As I said, more ass equals more money." Zoe chimed, "You might not have boobs, but you have a decent butt." 


She had grown used to the comments by now. Lila's jabs nor Zoe's friendly yet insensitive comments could be compared to the things shouted at her when she was out there, exposed dozens of groping hands. 

"Fucking finally. Took you long enough. At least new thing warmed up the crowd for the real show." Lila's jarring voice echoed through the changing room the second the two other women had entered. 

Zoe rolled her eyes. "Haven't gotten your dose, Lil? I'm running out of excuses for your bitchiness." 

"I dare you to say that again." The black head snarled. 

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