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Her dad might not be the pinnacle of fathers, but one thing he had done right. Taking his fifteen year old daughter to self defense classes. She hated it back then, and to be frank, never was too good at beating the blue man-shaped mannequin. But something did stick to her. 

"Ouch! You fucking bitch!" The man roared when her knuckles slammed into his jaw with force that did more harm to her hand than his face. It did the trick though. The second his stubby hands released her to cradle his aching mug, Angelique shimmied out from his lap. 

Clumsily, she pulled back. A gasp escaped past her lips when her heels got caught, sending her plummeting towards the carpeted floor. She landed with a painful 'thunk'. 

"You will fucking pay for that, you slut!" 

Her ankle was suddenly grasped, and her body dragged across the floor. "No!" Angelique clawed at the carpet, her blue eyes filling with tears. 

"Come here." The man crawled on top of her, easily catching her thin wrists. "I will show you how to fucking hit me." He sat on her hips, rage tinting his dark gaze. She saw his yellowed teeth between the chapped lips that had formed into a hateful scowl.

"I wanted to go easy on you, but you're forcing my hand here." He whispered in her ear. His coarse whisky tongue licked at her skin. Tears were running down her cheeks in an uncontrolled stream. Her legs kicked and her body trashed against the floor, but nothing she did seemed to work. She felt his hand once again reach for her breasts. 

Helplessness, disgust, fierce anger. She felt it all when his fingers slipped under the thin material of her bra, caressing the naked flesh underneath. He grunted with pleasure when her struggling stopped. 

"Good girl. Stay still." 

Angelique was shaking, her entire body having grown limp underneath him.

Is this how it's going to be? Will he rape me and leave me for dead? Is this really what's meant for me?

She looked up at the man as he moved back to reposition himself between her legs, the buckle of his belt already undone. 

Fuck that. 

"Aghhhhhh!" His expression of lust and power twisted to one of pure agony as a tip of her heel dug into his crotch with all might the young woman could manage. The rapist howled out like a wolf in heat, now reduced to whimpering mess on the floor. 

Angelique didn't stick around to witness him rocking back and forth on the ground and piss himself from the pain. With novice like grace, she got on her feet and rushed out from the room, panting and with tears wetting her cheeks. 

Cool gaze of another man greeted her the second she left, making her halt abruptly. Dog was leaning against the wall across the hallway, calmly watching the scene unfold with cold eyes. He didn't say a word nor did he move as he glanced behind her at the mess of the man curled up on the ground. For the first time since she begun to work, she saw something akin to emotion on his rock hard face - surprise. 

A part of her wanted to yell why he didn't stop the man, but all that came out from her parted lips was a sob. 

Angelique hung her head low and rushed down the hallway back to the changing rooms as fast as her shaky legs could carry her. 

"Angel! What the hell happened!?" Zoe exclaimed when Angelique pushed past her. "Angel, wait!" The red head didn't waste any time going after the shaken woman, just barely managing to block the bathroom door being nearly slammed into her face. 

Zoe found Angelique sitting on the cold white tiles, curled up in a ball with her face hidden by chunks of messy blond hair. Her shoulders were shaking with violent sobs. 

"Angel..." Softly, the red head closed the door behind them and sat down besides her. "What happened?" 

"I can't take this anymore....I can't! H-he....-sob-....he almost..." 

No more needed to be said. Zoe pulled Angelique against her side, hugging her close. "Shh....That must've been terrible.." She let the younger woman cry and seek comfort. "We all have been through that. First time is always the worst." She spoke gently. Her usually cheerful tone was serious and understanding. 

"I can't do this anymore." Angelique whispered against Zoe's shoulder, her breath hitching. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying, and she showed no signs of calming down. 

"Why did you come here, Angelique?" The question was spoken with genuine concern. "You're not one of those girls seeking easy money, so why are you here?" 

"My father's debt." She choked out, "He borrowed a large sum from....from Nikolai. They would've killed him if I....If I didn't come here."  

Zoe inhaled sharply. "Jesus..."

"You have to help me. Zoe, I can't do this. I need to get out." Angelique lifted her head to look her in the eyes. "I am not like you. I can't stand this-" 

"And you think I can?" The red head frowned. "You think my dream was to become a stripper for Russian mafia?" 

"That's not what I..." 

"No, that is what you meant." Zoe stood up. "You think you're the only victim here, huh? Grow up. We are all trapped, and there is no way out. Never." Her voice sounded cold, and filled with hurt. "There is no free ticket to normal life. Get cleaned up." 


The door shut behind her with a bang. Angelique was left sitting on cold tiles with her tear ridden face red. "Shit....shit....SHIT!" Her trembling fingers clenched the loose curls around her face. She felt her vision go blurry again. 

Another wave of sobs shook her frame. "Why me..." 

Sell your virginity to me.

In midst of hysteria, the same words had come straight back to her. Maybe there was a way out. 

I'll clear your father's debt. 

Slowly her head lifted from her lap. One night, and they would leave her family alone. She just had to accept. 

Angelique wiped the fresh tears from her cheeks, forcing herself to stand back up. Her heart was ramming inside her rib cage. The young woman didn't bother to look in the mirror - she knew she was a walking mess and took no time to fix that. 

All eyes turned to her when she exited the bathroom. Even Lila didn't dare to say anything. Zoe simply glanced her way, but remained silent as the blonde approached her. 

"I'm sorry." Angelique spoke softly. "I know a way out, and I promise, I will find a way out for you as well." 

"Angel....what are you doing..." Instead of anger, Zoe's face was of pure concern. She knew Angelique would do something stupid, but she had also never seen her this determined. "Where are you going?"

"I need to find Dog." Angelique grabbed a robe from the hanger and left the changing room in hurry. 

She found Dog amongst the moving bodies of patrons, sitting at the bar with single glass of whiskey in hand. He was observing the crowd with steady, cold eyes. The man oozed stoicism, his pale blues spotted Angelique the second she walked out, but he didn't move a muscle to help her through the grinding bodies and grabbing hands. 

"I want to see Nikolai." Angelique stated the second she had reached the bar.

Dog looked her up and down, taking another sip from his drink. "He's not here."

"Then take me to him." 

"He is the one requesting meetings, not other way around." 

"He proposed a deal. I want to accept it. Take me to him." Angelique demanded. "Please." 

The man didn't say a word, simply staring at her over the rim of his glass. Finally, he sighed. "Get dressed. You have ten minutes." 

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