Part 9

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Your head was rushing as you sat there atop of the sexy beast you had captured, you leant over and started to kiss each other, not knowing what might happen next. You started to scream inside your head when you firmer underneath you. ITS GETTING HARD, PANIK. it's okay because you're fine with that, calm. YOURE FINE WITH THAT, PANIK.

Words couldnt describe how scared and excited you felt right now, how did your life even get this way, what the heck. Not 3 days ago you were fantasizing about this while watching a FREAKING CHILDREN'S PROGRAMME. Breathe. Oh god, he sat up. You were sitting in his lap still kissing while he was running his hands gently over and through your hair.

Then, before you knew what was happening, Ben whispered into your ear "do you want to do this?". You bit your lip and nodded as you stared into his bluebell eyes, you watched adoringly as his eyes lit up and his cheeks turned red. He lifted your shirt over your head and threw it away, he looked so sexy. "You look fantastic" he whispered into your ear making your skin rush with goosebumps.

You kissed a little longer before ben got out from beneath you and lay you down on the bed beneath him. He looked so good on top, his stupid face staring down at you was what heaven must look like. He leaned in and started to expertly kiss and nibble at your neck. Ben was so hot when he takes the lead you thought to yourself. You thought that Ben might like a little encouragement so you started to moan to let him know he was doing amazing. He made his way down your neck, over your chest -making a pit stop at your nips- and started to plant little kisses on your belly which made you squirm with delight.

He finally got to........the southern most regions...........and started to pull down your underpants with his FRIGGIN TEETH GOD, MY SEXY MAN TAKE ME NOW you though RJDSJDHJDJ. (Of course I put keyboard spams in my own wattpad story smh)

He stroked your naked thighs lovingly and admired every rise and fall with his hands.

Female parts option: (scroll down for male parts option)
He looked on admiringly at your.....bits-
He glanced up at you and gave you a cheeky smile before starting to painfully tease you. He skillfully took his tongue all the way round the edges but never on your sweet spot or up inside you. This man is an expert you thought, he paused for a moment and then licked his warm tongue right up the middle which sent a wave of pleasure through your body. You had to cover your mouth to stop you from moaning too loudly and alerting everyone else in the house.

Ben giggled under his breath when he saw you desperately trying to conceal your squeals, he was so cute oml. He then began to expertly suck your clit making you quiver uncontrollably, your thighs quaking. Then, you felt his fingers at your opening, wriggling their way into you carefully. He was so gentle with you it made you want to cry of happiness. His fingers were halfway inside you now, he had stopped licking your sweet spot and put his attention on getting his fingers in without hurting you. It didnt hurt very much but Ben was checking on you and every wince you made he looked up and said "you okay?"
It made you laugh with delight that he was checking in on you like this.
"I'm fine baby its incredible" you said.

Then his fingers were all the way up inside of you and he starting to stroke the ceiling of your....passage. It felt so good, Ben was so good at this!
Then he started to slowly move his fingers out and then slowly back in again. You were so wet, his fingers went in and out of you seamlessly and you started to tremble again. He picked up a little speed but not too fast at all it was just right. You felt pressure building up so you knew what this meant
"You're making'm gonna...c...OH MY GOD BEN!"
He started to laugh as you realised how loud you had moaned his name but you just stayed in your world of delight as you climaxed. You felt yourself melting into the bed, it felt like there was nothing but you and ben in the world.

Male parts option:
You started to shake and quiver uncontrollably and he hadnt even touched you yet. This man was honestly incredible. Just looking at his face was starting to make you harder. After painful teasing of licking all around the edges, he finally took hold of your.....ding a ling, very gently, he held it to the side as he slowly started to suck on your bong a longas, using his tongue to make little circles on you sending you into a frenzy of pleasure. Whilst doing this, he was gently rubbing his thumb against your sausage, even the smallest movement and the gentlest touch were making you as solid as a rock.

Then, ben had finished with your balls so he ran his warm tongue all the way up from your base to the tip and paused before engulfing all of you into his mouth. You let out a moan and gripped the bed sheets with your sweaty palms. Your heart was thundering against your chest as he started to slowly move his head up and down, you could feel his breath against you it was so hot. Ben stopped for air and took it in his hands and started to stroke you up and down so slowly. It felt so good
"Faster ben" you pleaded, struggling to get your words out.
He let out a chuckle as he picked up the pace a bit and gripped you tighter. This was the first blow job you had ever had and it was amazing.

Your moaning got louder as he got faster, you felt like you were spiralling down a whirlpool of pleasure, you could feel yourself getting close and you needed something to hang onto. You propped yourself up on your elbows and watched the gorgeous scene unfold before you. "OH MY GOD BEN!" You moaned far too loudly but you didnt care. As you were cumming, Ben put it back into his mouth and swallowed your load. That was the amazing experience you had ever had.

Everyone read from here:
Ben sat proudly as you lay back in pure ecstasy. He kissed your knees caps, your thighs, your belly button, your chest, your neck and then he stopped in front of your face, looked into your eyes. He held your chin and pulled you in for a kiss. The best kiss of your life.

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