Part 5

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Yes it's been a while but I'm back to give you some more ;)

Standing out on the pavement you shuddered at the breeze and gazed upon the mass destruction you two had created within the space of 15 minutes.
Ben saw you shivering and put his arm round your shoulder letting out a hearty laugh.

"Do you wanna come back to my place for dinner? This seems like a write off"

"I'D LOVE TO" You screamed "Uh, I mean yes please"

"C'mon then you wild thing"

Ben started walking down the pavement. His house is in walking distance? You thought, then why did he get us a taxi 🥺? You hurried after him and your heart was in your mouth as you skillfully slid your hand into his. He squeezed your hand as you swung your arms up and down and skipped along the pavement.

You were living in a dream. You finally got to his house but, he knocked on the door?! And who opened it? None other than Martha Howe-Douglas. You looked up at Ben all confused and Martha gave Ben a knowing look.

"Sorry, the six of us all are all living together for now whilst we are filming" Ben explained

You step in after Ben and enter the living room, Larry and Jim are playing cards on the coffee table making an awful lot of noise, Simon is drinking a beer watching TV and mat is in the kitchen making something.

"Oo it smells good" you say to try and break the ice. All the noise stops as everyone looked up at you standing in the doorway and you felt your cheeks burn and your world crumble. Then you felt Ben's arm round your shoulder and you came back to earth as he took you into the centre of the room.

"Guys, this is (y/n) that I was telling you about"

A collective acknowledgment from everyone made you feel more comfortable. Ben could see that you were nervous so he whispered to you:

"Dont worry they are just tired from filming they'll be fine tomorrow"

TOMORROW? you screamed in your head. This just gets sexier and sexier.

"Let's go and see aunty mat" Ben whispered.

Thank you for your patience with my publishing rate :) hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Ben Willbond x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now