Part 15

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Nervously, you scampered towards the kitchen that you knew so well from the show, with Ben hot on your heels. You got to the table and turned around waiting to see Ben approach but he was much closer than you thought, he passionately pressed his lips up against yours and you were instantly a changed person again, the weird confidence was back. Your new confidence guided one hand to the back of his head, pulling on his hair, and the other hand on his chest. You teasingly stroked you hand over his chest, causing him to groan in anticipation. He pulled away from the kiss and looked you earnestly in the eyes. You were ready, ready for anything, he could take you anywhere, do anything and you wouldn't care what happened.

You didn't think it was possible, but he stepped closer to you and you stumbled onto the table so you propped yourself up on it with one hand. Noticing you slightly struggling, he picked you up and placed you on the table so that you were sitting on it. He picked you up with such ease, you would just let him throw you around like a rag doll if he wanted to. You were now eye level with him and you shared a gaze into each others eyes. Did he really like you this much? You thought to yourself, sudden insecurities bubbling in your stomach. He smiled at you; you felt your heart melt again, you started to lean in for a kiss but then you heard footsteps in the large hall approaching. Ben quickly pulled away and scarpered slightly across the room just as Kiell walked through the doorway.

He looked at you and then he looked at Ben, you could see the cogs whirring in his head, then a cheeky smile spread across his face "I'm gonna go...... you two have fun yeah?" He then winked and left abruptly. Ben exhaled deeply, he must have been holding his breath for a long time. If Kiell knew then how many others know as well? There was a moment of motionless silence, the sexual tension finally became too much and you were all over each other again, moving quicker this time. This was so naughty, so dangerous, so risky, you loved it.



The ride back to the house was an awkward one, it was very silent and everyone seemed to be fixated on you and Ben. All you could do was look down at your feet and blush, your legs ached so much but you didn't mind; it was a souvenir from your 10 minutes of heaven.

Hi guys it's the author here, I will be continuing to update this story but I really want to start another one, it would be an Alex Horne x Reader. I wanted to know whether any of you would be interested in that? There aren't many Alex fics on wattpad, same with Ben so I wanted the fans to have a place here.

Also, to the person that privately messaged me about me adding you into the story, I will be putting you in the next chapter because I couldn't really add you into this one :0

Bye guys, Love you all <3

Ben Willbond x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now