Part 13

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You were smiling as you thought to yourself 'Those two are kind of like Ben and I'. Then, suddenly, you nearly jumped out of your skin as Katy Wix toddled into the room dressed as Mary. She seemed just as surprised as you were, because her sooty face looked so shocked, her eyes open wide. "sorry I didn't mean to scare you," she said, giggling politely, she walked towards you across the grassy floor of the tent and melted into the garden chair next to you. She looked so tired and it was only 9 am. "gosh you look like you've been on your feet for hours," you said to her and she managed a little smile. "Well me and Charlotte, Lolly and Kiell have been up since 5 am this morning so we could shoot a scene in the fog and mist. Unfortunately for us we had struggled to get up this early and make it here, then there wasn't any fog or mist so the crew had to find a smoke machine and set it up and get in at the right angle and make sure all the smoke didn't blow away and oh!" she sighed, falling deeper into the plastic chair, it creaked as she moved. "It sounds like you've had a right ordeal this morning" you offered sympathetically.

Before Katy could respond, Charlotte staggered through the doorway, gripping the thick, white fabric of the tent for support. Her face was red and shiny, like she had run all the way here. She composed herself and rearranged her hair that had headed southwards, before sharply exhaling. "Is there a (y/n) in here?" She asked finally, looking at you inquiringly. "um yes that's me" you said lifting yourself out of the chair and squelching on the grass, the morning dew painting your shoes. "Right, Ben wants you or something?" she told you, confused at why he would want me. You assumed that the news about you and ben, that seemed to travel so fast here, hadn't yet got to her so you were glad about that. "Where is he?" You asked nervously, this lady was your hero so you were very nervous. She is so talented and beautiful and however much you liked to deny it, she was your bisexual awakening.

"He is in the house I think, if you go up to the door one of the crew members will take you inside," she smiled at you and then pointed the way before going and sitting next to Katy. They started to chatter to each other which queued your leave. You stepped out onto the massive lawn of the house, the air was crisp and fresh and the wind tickled your neck. As you walked towards the house, you took in the magnificent view. The house looked so much bigger than it did on the telly, you tried to soak it all in before you got to the door. There was a crew member sitting on a chair by the door making adjustments to a prop. He glanced up at you quickly then back down to what he was messing with. Finally he sighed and stood up, putting the prop down on his chair. 'Is everyone here tired and grumpy?' you thought to yourself as you followed the guy into the house. He pointed to the left "he is through there in the kitchen," the guy added quickly before storming back out of the house. As you walked through the large room that you have seen so many times before, you couldn't help but twirl around with excitement. You walked slowly through the room, admiring its every detail and soaking in each creak of the floorboard. You faced the wall behind you where you had just come from and walked backwards, gazing in awe at the giant portraits that adorned the wall.

Right before you were about to turn back round again, you bumped into something or rather someone. You yelped and spun round in a panic but then relaxed again when you saw that it was Ben. He was so goddamn sexy in that uniform! AHHH!!! "hello" he said simply as he held his hand against your face. "hi" you said, blushing wildly "Charlotte said that you wanted to see me," you added, your eyes darting over his face in exited anticipation. His eyes flicked away from you and looked to the floor, he looked suddenly nervous or embarrassed or maybe both? He glanced back up at you for a second then back towards the floor before he started to speak. "It's embarrassing really..." He blurted out, his cheeks starting to blush like your own, "go on, no need to be embarrassed about anything" you assured him, your mind begging for him to tell you what it was; "well the and I.........we......well we got cut short a bit........ran out of time for.........things". He had taken his hand off of your face and it was now messing with his other hand in front of him. He gazed down at the floor like he was a school boy who had done something wrong but you were beaming with delight. This was the cutest thing ever! REEEE "so what do you suggest we do?" you asked playfully, you tried to remain calm but your heart was racing. "well you see, we're on a break at the minute so the house is empty" he explained, speaking very quickly like he couldn't hold it in any longer, but neither could you so you cut him off by thrusting your lips against his.

You could feel him melting as he brought his hand back up to your face and gently ran his hands through your hair. You supported yourself by putting your hand on the back of his head and delicately pulling on his grey hair, this was making him moan into your mouth which made you suddenly start to get very hard/wet. Ben broke away from the kiss softly and whispered "care to join me in the kitchen?" you nodded obediently.

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