Part 11

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The van rumbled along, bumping and jumping at every pothole sending you and the others in the back flying all round the shop. Ben and Simon were fine, on their thrones in the front; Ben looked so sexy when he was driving, you got a really nice view of his arms and woo mmmmh yes his side profile. The van turned a corner, and your heart skipped a beat when you saw button house (West Horley Place) roll into view. You didn't know that they would be filming a third series of ghosts! It was amazing, so majestic and looked exactly like it did on the TV. You couldn't wait to get inside and watch the six idiots do their thing.

"This is it Sparky, we're here. Jump out and Larry will take you to the hair and makeup tent, Abbi will look after you," Mat explained.

"Ooooo Abbi," Jim jeered.

"Oh shut up Jim" Mat retorted, starting to blush.

"Who is this Abbi then?" You queried playfully.

"Look it doesn't matter now c'mon c'mon c'mon we need to hurry up" Mat concluded, bailing you all out of the van. Ben came up to you and told you that he needed to sort out some script stuff in his trailer and went off into the distance. Larry then started to guide you to the tent along with the others.

"Abbi is our hair and makeup gal. She is the best at her job, had her working for us for three years now and you won't find anyone better."

"So what is it with her and Mat, he seemed very quick to change the subject?"

"Ah yes, him and Abbi have a thing for each other, last week me and Jim found them flirting round the back of the catering van it was so cute. We love to take the piss out of him of course. Here we are, you just go in and sit down somewhere, Abbi is gonna sort us lot out then we will be out of your way,"

You pulled up a plastic chair inside the marquee and watched as they all started to get together their costumes. You felt so excited to see all of the costumes that they wear on the show. You couldn't wait to see Ben as the captain, you didn't know if you would be able to stand the sexiness if it was right in front of you, instead of just through a screen. First up was Martha, she had changed into her costume; it looked like it smelled dusty and old and it made you smile with nostalgia as you remembered the old dresses that you had found in the wardrobe in the attic back at the idiots' house. Then that made you remember this morning and all the fun you had had.

Abbi pulled out a wig cap for Martha to put on and it made her look like an egg. Then you remembered the night in the restaurant when Ben had called that angry guy an egg head. Oh god are you not capable of thinking of something other than Ben? You thought to yourself. Soon enough Martha was completely in the character of Fanny and ready to go, she headed out of the tent and towards the house. As Martha went out, Ben came in holding a tube of pringles, he offered you some, and you politely took just one or two. Martha turned on her heels and said "Oi, you can't just not give me food!" and she delve in and took a huge pile. "Omg love that" you said. She proudly strutted off with her mountain of pringles.

Ben smiled at you and put down the tube onto the grass, you felt in absolute awe as he pulled out the costume for the Captain. It was like watching a magic mike show seeing him getting dressed, luckily his boner had subsided because that would have been really awkward for everyone. A sudden realisation hit you, three people were missing. Where were Charlotte, Kiell and Lolly? You had remembered from a zoom interview that you watched, that Charlotte was a method actor, that means that you wouldn't be talking to Charlotte you would be talking to Allison! Lolly was one of your favourite comedians so you definitely wanted to meet her.

"Will Charlotte, Kiell and Lolly be here, Ben?"

"Uh, yep they should be along in a few minutes, I believe they are in the house filming at the moment."

Next in the seat was Jim, he looked adorable in his scout leader uniform. Abbi was just doing his hair and expertly firing an arrow through his neck which must have hurt. When you looked back at Ben, he was no longer Ben he was the captain and he looked magnificent. He started to blush when he saw you staring. "What is it darling?"

"Oh nothing, you just look good enough to eat. Maybe I will snack on you later" you said cheekily. You couldn't believe your ears, did you really just say that? Where was all this new found confidence coming from? Ben shuffled in his seat, clearly excited and embarrassed but then he was gone as Abbi called him up for his hair and makeup to be done. Eventually, after much pampering, the Cap was complete.

"You look so handsome, Ben" You said and he gave you a sexy wink. He came over and said that he was going up to the house now for filming and that he would see you later, he planted a sweet kiss on your forehead. "For king and country!" He announced and ran comically out of the tent. He was just so perfect. Simon was over and done with quite quickly but his costume looked rather chilly to be walking about in, in the English country side. Watching Larry being slowly turned into Robin was highly entertaining, all the layers of beard and hair extensions seemed endless but he was finally out of there.

Then it was just you, Abbi and Mat, alone in the tent. When Abbi did Mat's hair and makeup, they looked at each other so lovingly, like they really were in love. Did you and Ben look like that? You hoped you did. Does Ben even like me? Am I in his way? You decided to waft the thoughts away because they wouldn't do you any good and what you don't know can't hurt you. All of a sudden, they both got up and scurried out of the tent off somewhere together. Well I don't want to know what they are up to, you thought.

(Welcome to the story Abbi)

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