Part 17

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Ben's POV 

 I woke up bleary eyed and I forgot where I was for a moment, until I looked down and saw you nestled into my chest, you looked so angelic asleep, of course you were angelic whilst awake as well. I looked around the attic room at the dust, the shadows and the cobwebs. I couldn't reach my phone to check the time without waking you so I leaned over you to check the time on your phone instead.

Your POV

 Sudden movement woke you up, you panicked a little inside as you too had forgotten where you were, Ben was over the top of you, what was happening? Is he awake? Is he trying to kill you?? You trashed around slightly as you tried to regain your bearings and figure out what was happening. He moved off of you over to his side of the bed, he had your phone! why? "Sorry darling i was just looking at the time, I couldn't reach my phone, I'm sorry for waking you" you relaxed again, you really got yourself worked up sometimes. He handed the phone back to you and you leaned over and kissed his bare shoulder, it was so warm. 

"It's 6'o'clock do you still fancy going out for a meal with everyone?" Ben asked you,

"Yeah I'm feeling much better now, where were you thinking of going to?"

"I'm not sure, we can't exactly go back to the restaurant that we went to the other day can we? It'll be really embarrassing if the others found out that we had been banned!" Ben said with a giggle, you started to chuckle and then stood up. You needed to get dressed but you didn't have any clean clothes, you pulled on your dirty clothes and told Ben that you needed to go home and get some new ones. He said that it was okay and he would tell the others. You shut the door behind you and walked out into the cool evening air. What an amazing past two days that had been, you could hardly contain your pride and glee as you practically skipped all the way back to your home.

Finally back, you put the key in lock and entered into your nest, your sanctuary, your place of comfort. You suddenly felt like you had become a different person since meeting Ben. Before, the thought of leaving your room was enough to instil panic and fear into your heart;  now you felt like you could fight Gods. You picked out some clean clothes and got changed, then you did your hair as you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, what a mess! Had you really been walking around looking like that? Well at least you were looking nicely groomed now and ready for a pleasant evening meal. Your phone buzzed, it was Ben:

"Are you ready to go? I'll come and pick you up X"

"I'm ready and waiting X" you replied

You sunk into your sofa like you did before, you were waiting again, for your man.


Sorry if I ended this too soon! And sorry to the person that I said I would add in but didn't, I was just stressing over it and decided to scrap that chapter because it was rubbish and wasn't my best work. I will be writing other stories most likely, thanks for reading! <3

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