Part 6

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You awkwardly walked through the living room stepping over Simon's outstretched legs and made your way into the kitchen. Mat was standing at the hob adding spices into a pan of food. He slowly turned on his heel and when he saw you his face lit up, his eyes widened his mouth opened and pulled you into an embrace.
"You must be (y/n)!" Mat announced happily

"How do you know my name?" You queried confused.

"Ah well benny and I have been in contact" he grinned as he leant back against the worktop.

Ben's cheeks glowed red as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.
"So what you cooking..............aunty mat??" You asked confused as to whether everyone called him that.
"I'm making a lovely casserole for all my little lovelies, will you be staying for some?"

"Oh I-" you stumbled over your words searching for Ben's input

"Yes I'd love....I mean we'd love you to stay for dinner, come and sit down with the rest of us" Ben said.

You were confused as to where you would sit as the two armchairs were taken up, martha was sitting on the foot stool and there was only one place left on the sofa. Ben sunk down into the remaining place on the sofa and then slapped his legs is gesture for you to sit on his lap.

Your heart was thumping so hard, you looked into his blue piercing eyes and he had a twinkle in them that wasn't there before. You parked yourself on his lap and wriggled into a comfy position. You leant back into him and felt his breath on your ear and his eyes on you. Again you noticed how good his natural smell was, to confirm your affections for him, you nuzzled the side of your head against his and he leant his head atop of yours. You were in paradise.

For the entirety of the time you were sat there - before Mat came out with the dinner - you couldn't hear anything you were just in pure bliss. Eventually Mat came out with the dinner and you all moved into the dining room to eat. Fortunately there were enough chairs around the table. Due to the big bustle to get to dinner, you were separated from Ben and were sitting between Larry and Mat. Ben was sitting opposite you and he kept intertwining his feet in yours which was so cute.

As you sat there and quietly ate your casserole, they chatted about filming and writing and what move they should make next and all whilst cracking the funniest jokes that made you choke on the potato.

It was a very long evening and there was ice cream for dessert! Eventually everyone decided it was time to get some sleep. Simon took the sofa, Jim and Mat took the arm chairs, Larry went upstairs into a bedroom and Martha led you upstairs whilst Ben was getting a glass of water for you both.

"I think it's great that you are with Ben" Martha exclaimed, "I think you two are meant for eachother and I'm not just saying that I really do believe it"
You just chuckled.
"You'll have to take the attic room I'm afraid as it's the only one left
"That's fine thanks" you smiled as you went into the attic.
"Give us a shout if you need anything" Martha said with a wink as she shut the door and went to her own room.
Alone at last you thought as you took a deep breath and flopped exhausted onto the bed. Getting up, you started to undress and realised that you hadn't planned on having a sleepover. What were you going to wear to bed?

You scrambled quickly round the room searching for something to wear as Ben would be back soon. An old ish wardrobe stood at the end of the room, making a dash for it, you tripped over your feet and fell flat on your face.

Of course Ben had to walk in on you then. Of course he did. There you were just in your pants sprawled across the floor. Ben looked shocked but he didnt look away he just stared until his brain engaged. He hurried to you and took off his blazer, wrapping it around you he picked you up like you were nothing. Oo you thought, so strong ;). You started to snigger at how stupid you looked and another round of laughter sent you and Ben flying onto the bed.

Thanks for you patience guys. Again, please comment if there is anything you want to happen or somewhere you want Ben to take you I'm taking requests to make it more personal to you guys :)

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