Part 8

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You slept peacefully throughout the night and were gently awoken by the glare of sun through the attic window and the twitters of birds outside. Ben was still next to you but he was on his side facing you, and you were facing him. He was still asleep bless him, you got a good look at all his perfect features: the sexy silver fox hair, the gorgeous eyelashes and what was left of his 5'o'clock shadow.

You had a sudden urge to smother him with kisses until he woke up. YOU BARELY KNOW THE MAN CALM DOWN. Then again you only live once and how bad could it be? OH GOD DO I? DONT I? You did. Leaning up on your elbow, you planted your first kiss on the top of his head and then worked your way down to his face where you just went wild and pecked him all over. He started to smile and chuckle under his breath. He opened his bluebell eyes and LEANED IN CLOSE. Then he kissed you. He kissed you. He kissed you.

You melted into his kiss like marshmallows in hot chocolate it lasted  for so long before you both finally pulled away. He grinned cheekily and ran his hands through your hair, glanced at his watch, and then lay back down gesturing for you to lay down too.
"What time is it?" You queried

"Only half past 6, we've still got loads of time"

"Time for what?" And then you realised.

"Only if that's what you want" Ben quickly added, worried that he has offended you.

"Oh no dont worry" you said sitting on top of him with a new found confidence,"that would be great".

Ben Willbond x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now