Part 10

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You savored the feeling as much as you could but it started to fade away so you sat up and looked at Ben who looked extremely pleased with himself.
"You are amazing" you said, absolutely beaming. You got on your hands and knees and crawled towards Ben then kissed him. You held his face for a minute and gazed into his gorgeous eyes.

You stroked his chest lovingly then you lead your hands down towards his legs. You stroked your hands over his thighs and then started to pull off his boxers. You had to make this just as amazing for him as it was for you. Just as you had your hands pulling down his waist band, there was a knock at the door. It was Martha.
"Morning you two breakfast will be ready in 5"
Ben kissed you on the forehead as he got up.
"I think we should continue this later" he whispered with a wink. He started to get dressed. You just sat on the bed for a while and admired his every movement. He put on his shirt and you decided to help him button it up because you would take any excuse to be near Ben. I mean, who wouldn't?

When he started to put on his trousers you started to get dressed. You blushed as you watched him try to zip his trousers up over his boner, you pretended not to see it and tried to hold in a shriek of emotion. OMG HE IS JUST SO HOT. You threw back on your clothes from yesterday.

Ben opened the door for you and he held your hand as you walked down the stairs. Butterflies began to flutter in your belly as you could hear everyone already downstairs. As you walked into the living room your face, and Ben's face were both red as a tomato. All the men cheered at both of you and made jeering, whooping noises like they were lads on a playground. Martha stood there smiling, arms folded, shaking her head at them.
"What?" Ben giggled, as he sat down and signalled for you to sit down next to him.
"What is it, what?"
"OH MY GOD.......BEN mmmmmmmh" Jim mimicked at him.
You wanted to just pass away there and then. You felt like a deer in headlights, the embarrassment was like nothing you had ever felt before.
Then Simon started making moaning noises. You two both sat there like ironing boards. You felt distraught but absolutely hysterical and just burst out laughing. These guys were so funny and you knew that they were nice really, so you couldn't help but giggle.

The laughing spiralled out of control until you were all in tears.
"Right" mat announced slapping his legs "I think we should all get off to work"
Suddenly, they all jerked into action. Martha was rushing round passing bits and pieces of scripts and lunch boxes. She works so hard you thought. It made you smile how as she worked away for all the men they didn't take her for granted, they each gave her a smile and a thank you as she hurried around. You were all soon ready to go, but they were working and it was a weekend and you didn't have anything to do. You whispered into Ben's ear "will I see you later then?" and he just looked down at you and smiled. "Oh, don't you want to come to the set with us? I think you'll have good fun,"

This was an amazing opportunity, "I'd really love to come with you, but are you sure I'd be allowed to be there? I wouldn't want to get in the way,"

"Of course you can come (n/n) I have spoken to Larry and Simon the other night and they said that they would love you to come. They said that it's always nice to have a new face on set."

You felt a buzz of excitement, this was amazing, these were the heroes of your late teen years, every college morning would be spent watching horrible histories with your breakfast before college. You were a bit old for the show even then but it was just so well made and written, and of course Ben was gorgeous so how could you resist? I just winced for a moment at the sudden realisation of the age gap but oh well. Not an issue. Please don't bring it up. OK. On with the story Goddammit. 

Outside on the driveway, you saw that there was big people carrier van that you didn't notice in the dark when you arrived. Ben got into the driver seat and Simon in the passenger seat. You and the other four all piled into the back and shut the door. You were squashed in between Larry and Mat, it was so amazing to be with them. 

"So what do you do then (y/n)?" Mat enquired

"I'm actually a trainee electrician" You said and it seemed to make Mat's face light up.

"Brilliant! That means that I can call you sparky! I've always wanted to use the nickname sparky,"

"um........great...." You said and sat proudly knowing that you were now on nickname terms with MAT BAYNTON. It was kind of weird that he wanted to be called aunty Mat, you wondered where that came from. (I got that nickname for Mat from another fanfic that I read and I really liked it, I can't remember the author or the name of the book but credit to that person)

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