What Mat and Abbi were up to

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(This is from Abbi's point of view)

My heart was racing as Mat guided me through the maze of cast trailers. What were we doing? Where was he taking me? What was going to happen? He stopped at the door of Jim's trailer and gave that cute cheeky smile that he always does when he is up to no good. He pressed a finger to his lips as he opened the door slowly and carefully. He poked his head around the door and slunk in when he saw that Jim wasn't in there. He gestured for me to follow him in there and I couldn't help but giggle.

"What are you doing you dork?"I whispered, giggling like a maniac. He pulled the rolled up script from out of his back pocket, "This is a fake script that I wrote for the next scene that we are going to film later, we're gonna swap it for his real one" he explained, trying to hold back the laughter. I started to laugh as he passed it me and I swapped the scripts, "sshhh!!" he hissed as someone walked past the door. "No-one can find us here because it will ruin the prank" He stifled.

After a few seconds of us crouching on the floor wheezing, we stopped and caught each other's eye and held our gaze. He was the most handsome, lovable man I knew, I wonder if he likes me back? Oh god I think I'm in love. I hope no one else knows that I like him. He smiled at me and I started to blush as I smiled back. Our faces were getting closer and it felt like electricity was coursing through me. Was this really happening? Finally, his lips were against mine.

Little mini chapter for Abbi :)

Ben Willbond x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now