Part 2

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You woke up with a jump and looked around your room, it was dark outside still. Your phone was screen up next to you on your bed. I must have fallen asleep you thought to yourself and rolled over letting your covers consume you in a warm cuddle. For a moment your mind drifted to Ben and his arms around you but the moment was interrupted by another ping from your phone.

What did Tyler want now?

But it wasnt Tyler it was a message from Tinder. 1 new match. "Its probably a creepy old man" you said out loud and giggled as you clicked on Tinder. You couldn't believe you eyes, you didnt believe your eyes, Ben was your match. He had swiped right on you? He had looked at you and thought he wanted to be with you?

No it's probably a fake account you thought but then 1 new message from Ben Willbond appeared across your screen and you had never clicked a notification so fast.

B: Hi (y/n) saw your profile I think you're gorgeous by the way. Ben Xx

(Y/n): Omg thankyou so much, you're the most beautiful man alive! Xx

B: can I see a picture of you?

You suddenly stopped and remembered how it could be a fake account and it's probably a creepy old man behind his screen somewhere picking his dirty nose and getting easy pictures of people.

B: you there? Xx

B: you can add me on snapchat if you like but if not that's completely fine I understand Xx

You just thought what the hell, I only live once, if it's a creepy man it's a creepy man and if its Ben I'm likely dreaming. You exchanged snapcodes and you immediately got a snap from Ben. It was a pic of him lying in bed, his eyes battling the strain of the brightness of his screen. The message read - hi are you ok? Xx

Your heart was pounding against your chest and were lost for words as you had gotten picture confirmation that it was the actual Ben. You knew that it couldn't have been a picture pulled off google because you spent your days googling Ben willbond and scrolling through all the images until google is exhausted, you had read every fanfic and seen every picture. You had squeezed the internet dry of all things Ben.

You quickly responded with a pic of you trying to look hot but failing a little bit you thought. Your message read - "hi ben :) I'm fine thanks have you been up to anything recently? Xx <3"

A lump quickly arose in your throat as it was sent, delivered, opened. Another adorable picture of ben in the dark smiling so cutely and also manly in a way. "Oh wow (n/n) you are beautiful and the most adorable person EVER!!! <3 Xx is it alright if I call you (n/n)"

At this point you were sure that you were dreaming but the cute trail of pictures back and forth continued until the morning and you had arranged to meet up...

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