Part 4

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I'm back. No surprise I was gone for ages but oh well. Yall are patient. I'm getting soooo many reads and I really appreciate that. I would love for you to leave suggestions on what you want to get up to w benny ;).

"Uhhhh, ah yes, do you mind if I come in? My car is getting fixed so I've booked a taxi and it hasnt arrived yet"

"Of course!" You stutter "dont steal anything"

"Well you've already stolen my heart" you hear him whisper underneath his breath

"Huh?" You badger

"Oh nothing, mind if I sit here?"

You both playfully flop onto the sofa and sink into its cushions. His arm is across the top of the sofa behind your head. HIS ARM IS NEAR TO YOU. ITS BASICALLY MARRIAGE. Calm down darlin calm down.

Those bluebell eyes, the silver fox sexy ass hair and that sloping Roman nose were in inches of your own face. It was only when the taxi driver knocked on the door that you realised that you had been staring at each other.

Ben jumped up and offered out his massive hand towards you. Taking it, you were taken aback at how soft his hands were, then again he was an actor and had probably never done a hard days work in his life. You were expecting him to let go after you had been helped up but he didnt. He held on all the way to the restaurant.

In the taxi he held your hand on top of his thigh, it was warm and you leant against his broad shoulder. The musty masculine smell of his aftershave made you quiver and you felt yourself begin to heat up. You never said a word to each other the entire drive but the silence wasnt awkward it was peaceful and everything felt so right.

When you got out the car, you realised again how tall he was, it was staggering but really freaking sexy. He was your man now and you felt so safe.

As you take your seats in the restaurant ben accidentally knocks over the candle that is set up in the middle of the table and it sets the napkins ablaze! With scrabbling hands you pick up the candle and waft and strike at the napkins to put them out. Ben takes action and scoops up the flaming napkins, throws them to the ground and stamps on them with his shoe.

And relax. Then the smoke alarms are set off. You both collapse to the floor in laughter, rolling around like lunatics whilst everyone else leaves looking at you both in disgust. A man with no hair and beady little eyes walks past you and tells you to grow up.

"Sorry eggy" ben whispers to you as the man walks away sending you into even deeper fits of laughter. You were both banned from the restaurant.

Ben Willbond x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now