Part 16

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Finally back into the relative safety of the idiots' house you began to relax again. This really was starting to become a whirlwind of a life. Everyone sat down in the living room and recharged themselves, they had been working so hard all day. You decided to slink away upstairs into the sanctuary of the attic room. A couple of moments alone would do you good, you thought as your social battery was running low. You got out your phone, sighed and flopped onto the bed; a big creak eeking out of the frame as it bowed under the weight. You opened spotify and searched around for your headphones, realising you hadn't taken them with you, you let your head slam into the pillow. Oh well, you thought, I may as well still listen but put it quiet.

Your playlist was slipping out of your phone next to you, you rolled over onto your back and spread out your limbs like a big starfish, hungry to steal all the bed away. Your eyes were starting to become heavier and heavier, you couldn't fall asleep in case they called you down for dinner or they might think that you were just rude. So you looked on your phone at the time, it was only 4?! There were two new messages, they were from Ben. You suddenly felt bad for leaving him down there and coming up here without telling him. You brushed those feelings away though because you remembered that you were your own person and you didn't have to inform anyone of your every move and that you had a right to privacy.

You opened the messages and they read: "Once we have all got our energy back we were thinking of going out for a bit, nothing too crazy"

"Is it alright if I add you to our group chat so that we can all keep in touch if we are out?"

You immediately replied: "Sounds good to me! Need a bit of a nap though first. I'm cool with being added to the group chat :) <3"

You felt ecstatic, to be in a group chat with the six idiots is the stuff of dreams. It's like all the tiktoks you had made about these sorts of scenarios. I better delete those tiktoks now you thought, before anyone sees them. If they did I would die of embarrassment a third time. Your fingers hovered over the keyboard as you pondered whether to send the next message. Eh what's the worst that could happen, send!

Ben's POV

 My phone buzzed in my pocket so i wriggled it out of my jeans. I was so relieved to see the message that popped up on the screen because nothing was happening down here. The guys were all asleep and Martha had gone to her room so there was no one to chat to. The message said "Hey sleepy head, do you want to come up here and nap with me? That is if there isn't much occurring downstairs :3 <3". Slowly I lifted myself out of the deep clutches of the sofa and creaked my way up the wooden dancers.

Your POV

You could hear footsteps coming up the stairs, knowing it would be Ben, you quickly shoved all of your things off of the bed. You managed to wriggle under the covers just in time before opened the door. You couldn't stop yourself smiling as he walked towards the bed. He also had a bit of a smiley glow about him as well. "Hello sweetheart" he whispered to you. "Hi hot stuff" you replied in the most cheesy way physically possible. "Quick power snooze?" you suggested and he nodded his head. Before you knew it, the shirt and jeans were off and he was in, beside you. You had seen him this way before but you still got all flustered. He rolled onto his side to face you, you could feel his breath on your nose, he held your cheek and kissed you lightly on the head then closed his eyes. Starting to drift off yourself, you gently wriggled under his arm and he pulled you close to him. His smell was everything you could ever need, his slow breathing lulled you peacefully to sleep, you were complete.

I'm really sorry that I haven't updated this for so long!!!!

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