Yule Ball Pt.3- George

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You walked down the stairs to the Gryffindor common room to see the most adorable boy ever standing their blushing and looking down nervously. You giggled before walking over to him and taking his hand.

"Hi Georgie" You said kissing his cheek causing him to blush even more.

"Hi Y/N" He replied kissing your forehead back., "shall we?" He asked indicating for you to take his arm.

"We shall" You replied taking his arm.

You both walked into the Great Hall arm in arm. You looked around gobsmacked. It was gorgeous.

"Will you dance with me m'lady" George said replacing his nervousness with his humour that everyone knew so well.

"Of course kind sir" You said taking his hand and giggling at his childish ways.

You two danced pretty much the whole night, only taking a break when you needed a drink.

"Georgie I need a drink" You said laughing, taking his hand and leading him over to a table.

You grabbed two cups as George went and sat down at a table. After grabbing the drinks you started humming quietly to yourself. You turned round and your mouth fell open and you dropped the drinks. You could not believe what you had just seen.


What did you see? Come back for Part 4!

L x

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