Shut Up And Dance With Me Pt.1 - Fred and George

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You were walking through the corridors of Hogwarts in your own world. You had always been the shy kid, you rarely put your hand up in class, and you barely talked to people. The only people who you really spoke to were Hermione, Harry and Luna. They were your best friends, the ones you felt like you could talk to. Since 1st year you had, had a crush on the very well known Fred and George Weasley. You had never plucked up enough courage to tell them though. All of a sudden you were snapped out of your thought as two familiar voices began calling you name.

"Y/N, Y/N WAIT UP!" Fred called. You turned round to see that his face was inches away from yours. You felt George's hot breathe on the back of your neck and it sent a shiver down your spine.

"We've been looking for you all over the whole of Hogwarts" Fred said pushing a strand of hair behind your face.

"Why?" You asked the boys a confused look on your face.

"Because you promised to help us with our potions assignment" They both said in sync looking at you.

"Oh yeah sorry, I kind of forgot about it school's been stressful at the moment" You said looking at them kissing each of their cheeks.

"It's okay if you can't help us" George said smiling at you.

"It's fine I want to" You said hugging both of them.

" Thanks Y/N we appreciate it" Fred said returning the hug.

"It's fine Freddie, as long as we can do it in under a tree near the black lake" You said smiling back up at them. All three of you made your way hand in hand down to the black lake.



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