Quidditch Practice - Fred

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You were sitting on the end of your bed in the dorm waiting for your boyfriend Fred Weasley to get back from his quidditch practice. A lot of time had passed and he still wasn't back. You were beginning to get worried. You stood up and put his Weasley sweater on over your shorts and top, you decided it would calm your mind if you went and found out where Fred was. Looking out your window you saw George running through the quidditch pitch looking worried. You ran down to ask him if he'd seen Fred.

"Hey Georgie" You said smiling at him and trying to hide your nerves.

"Not now Y/N" George snapped at you looking flustered.

"Yes now George Fabian Weasley!" You said glaring at him, "I want to know where my boyfriend is"

"That's the problem, no one knows where he is, he didn't show up for practice!" George said looking at you and gritting his teeth.

You could tell he was angry so you decided to leave it and go and find Fred yourself. Walking through the halls of Hogwarts there was no sign of him. No sign of him anywhere at all. Your mind immediately went to the worse and you feared for him. The night soon turned into the next morning and no one had heard anything from Fred or seen Fred whatsoever. All of sudden, you heard the laugh you recognised all so well. It was him. He was finally back.

"FREDERICK GIDEON WEASLEY YOU ARE SUCH AN ASS!"You said storming over to him and frowning at him.

"What's wrong love?" He asked you whilst still laughing with Lee.

"YOU LEFT ME FOR TWO DAYS AND ALL YOU CAN SAY IS 'WHAT'S WRONG' WHAT DO YOU THINK IS WRONG YOU DAFT IDIOT" You screamed at him before slapping him, Fred stood there with a look of shock plastered on his face.

"I'm sorry, I got sent home because I was sick, I wrote to you but you never replied!" He said pulling you into a really tight hug and kissing your forehead, "I'm sorry if I scared you but I really did miss you bubs"

"I missed you to" You said clinging onto him for dear life.

"I'll never leave you again I promise" Fred said kissing you.

You fell asleep in his arms and he was to tired to move you so he simply just carried you over to a tree under the black lake and slept under the stars with the man of your dreams.

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