Honeydukes and an Accident - George

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You were getting ready to go out for a date with your boyfriend and you had just put your hair into a ponytail when your boyfriend of 3 years ,George Weasley, burst into the dorm.

"Y/N HURRY UPPPP" He whined staring at you.

"Perfection takes time Georgie" You laughed and kissed his forehead.

"You're already perfect to me thought" He said smiling at you.

"Thank you, you are to" You said kissing him.
You stood up and took his hand in yours and set off to Honeydukes with him.

Once you got to honeydukes, you entered the shop hand in hand with George, looking around for any sweets you fancied. You picked up a chocolate frog and smiled at George. He was looking at all of the sweets with the most adorable toddler-like expression on his face. You couldn't help but smile at him. All of a sudden, you went slightly faint and started swaying on your feet. George noticed this and immediately dropped the sweets he was holding and ran over to you.

"Georgie..." You said before collapsing into his arms.

*2 hours later*

"Love, love wake up!" George said gently shaking your shoulders.

"Georgie..." You said with a raspy voice attempting to sit up.

"Shh it's okay love, you can't sit up though, you need rest" He said pushing you back down and pulling you into his chest whilst rubbing your back.

"I love you" You mumbled into his chest before falling asleep.

"I love you too love" He chuckled to himself kissing your forehead.

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