Roses Are Red - Fred

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You were in your 3rd year in school and school was just getting more and more stressful for you. The only thing that made it better was your two best friends, Fred and George Weasley. To be honest you had always really had a crush on Fred. You didn't want to admit it but it was true. George and Lee were the only people you would ever dare tell. Ginny knew, she had figured it out about a month ago. No one else knew apart from those three. It was fairly obvious though. You were snapped from your thoughts as you heard Fred's voice, he was groaning and George was running towards the hospital wing to get Madam Pomfrey.

You rushed over to Fred and looked him in the eyes.You moved his hands away from his rib cage as he winced. You grimaced at the sight. He had a large gash going down his rib cage and along his abdomen there was severe swelling and bruising.

"What happened?" You asked Fred with confusion in your voice. All Fred could mumble out was 'bludger...' before he passed out.

——————————————————-Time Skip——————————————

It had been two hours since Fred's accident and he was currently asleep in the hospital wing, and every now and again he would roll over, wince in pain and lay back on his back.

"Shhh Freddie, I know it hurts baby" You said brushing hair out of his face.

"I can't ... breathe" Fred said gasping for air.

"Hey... hey calm down" You said sitting Fred up.

"No... I can't breathe..." Fred said coughing and wincing in pain as his whole body shook.

"MADAME POMFREY!" You screamed frantically,whilst rubbing Fred's back.

Madame Pomfrey ran over to Fred and began rubbing his back, all of a sudden it went silent and Fred fell forward into your arms and he was heavy breathing.

"Hey, I'm here, I'm here" You said playing with his hair. His breathing had slowed down and he had fallen asleep wrapped in your arms.


It had been two months and Fred had fully recovered now. He had a huge scar going down his stomach, but luckily the bruising and swelling had gone down.

"Y/N?" Fred looked up at you and asked. You were laying on a sofa in the Gryffindor common room with Fred on your chest.

"Yes bubs?" You asked subconsciously twirling his hair round your fingers.

"Thank you" He said taking your handing and placing a kiss on the back of your hand.

"For what?" You smiled at him.

"Everything" He said looking at you and pulling you in for a kiss.

"You don't need to thank me, I'm your girlfriend, I love you" You said smiling at him and kissing the top of his head.

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