Dating George Weasley Would Include-

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-Having to reassure him that you love him and not Fred

-Him being insecure and you having to reassure him that he's the one for you

-Him getting jealous when you talk to other boys, especially Fred, and you getting into a fight over it

-Fights lead to make out sessions

-He starts gentle but gets rougher as you go on

-You always steal his hoodies and he finds it cute

-Him complimenting you every time he sees you

-Him making you laugh whenever your sad

-You helping him after Fred's death

-Running the shop with him

-Him making you go to the burrow for at least 2 weeks of the holidays

-Cute nicknames for each other like, 'Bubba, baby and princess'

-When he finds out your pregnant he doesn't let you do anything for yourself

-"I'll get the door"

-"Georgie I'm pregnant not dying"

-You moving into your dream house together

-Getting a Weasley sweater every year

-Having 3 children together

-You two understanding each other

-Him always being the first to get to you when your hurt or upset



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