Chapter 7:Responding To Fire With Fire Is A Choice Not A Forced Action

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Chapter 7:Responding To Fire With Fire Is A Choice Not A Forced Action!

He looked taken aback by my question,almost like he was in disbelief.

Shit Blair!I told you not too!

"Shit- I mean I'm sorry if I offended you I was just curious,im not saying you look like you're ga- I mean you- damn it!"I mumbled out loud like an idiot.

Just close that mouth of yours dimwit.

Okay okay,no need to get so cruel.

He ran a hand through his curls and looked away from me..Thats final.IM AN IDIOT!I DIDNT THINK BEFORE SPEAKING AND NOW IM SUFFERING THE CONSEQUENC-

"Maybe.."His voice was quiet but it was loud enough.Huh?Wait did he say maybe?

Maybe he doesn't know?My heart started aching at the thought of him experimenting or crap,i don't want him to toy with my best friends feelings.

"Okay so I have the icepack"Luke's voice broke through the pause that has occurred.

I turned around to face him and looked at the expression that Luke had left with but he had tried to smile.

"What if he doesn't like me?"Nate whispered behind me in my ear.

I started laughing and I couldn't help the loudness.Did he just-Oh my god!I clutched my ribs and tried to get oxygen in my body.

These two are going to kill me I swear.

"Hey cutie,breathe for me!"Luke laughed out trying to get me to stop and breathe.He doesn't know why I'm laughing but my laughs funny enough to make him laugh-plus he's probably used to these sudden outbursts.

My eyes started watering as I tried to stop and calm down.Blair,breathe.

Okay okay I got this.

"Anyway.."I stopped and breathed before continuing."Before the icepack melts,Luke I don't think Nate can manage to ice his own chest,am I right Nate?"I turned and eyed him as Luke stood there confused of where I was going with this.

Nate mirrored Luke's impression and I hid my laugh.

"See,told you.Luke can you please help him out I think he's really hurt..all you have to do is move the icepack in circular motions and it will help"I smiled out and I could tell he was trying hard to stay away from him,my best friend is so cute sometimes,he thinks if he got too close it will be too hard to handle.

"I don't think that's a good idea,Blair why don't yo-"Luke spoke quietly before I cut him off.

"Oh my god is that the time!Shoot Luke I'm so sorry I have to go,Suzie is probably waiting for me at home"I smiled innocently at how Luke was burning holes into me,he knew me so well.

"Oww"Nate hissed out in pain and i understood how hurt he was.

"Shit,You're gonna be alright,okay?Sit down"Luke raced towards him And wrapped his arm around his waist from the side as he helped him walk.

Nate closed his eyes briefly and I didn't realise I was smiling at how fricking amazing they looked together.I felt so happy for him,i didn't have anyone but that was long as Suzie and Luke were beside me.I didn't want anyone to toy with my feelings,like some guys In this world.

I didn't want interrupt anything so I started creeping away.

"OI!I still want a bye"Luke huffed and I stopped in my tracks.Woops.

"I thought I saw a penny"I mentally face palmed myself at The first lie that came to my head,could of been something better but oh well it was still believable.

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