Chapter 9:Now Everyone Take A Moment And Breathe..

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Chapter 9: Now Everyone Take A Moment,And Breathe..Lets Unleash Our Inner Ninja Together!Because You Know What They Say"Teamwork Is Key",See I Know Stuff!I Think..

"I think it's time to get back shall we get going?"Luke sipped the remains of the milkshake and I stopped trying to not stare at Mr Baker and Miss Joanne.

My stomach kept turning at the sight of Miss Joanne trying to show her beautiful features off.Cant she just stop?

Are you jealo-

Don't you even fucking go there.

They're perfect for eachother.To bad whenever I look at them I want to hurl.

"Yes we should,lets go"I choked out as I stood up.I felt his intense gaze fix on me and burn into my head.

From the corner of my eye i saw him look at his watch for half a second but then glanced back up at me.Have I got something on my face?He's probably thinking of how ugly I am compared to-

Stop it.

I turned towards the door with Luke behind me and stumbled backwards a few steps from the bump.

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry I wasn't watching were I was going and-"A guys voice apologised and I cut him off smiling at how fast he was talking.He ran a hand through His dirty blonde hair and then looked at me with his blue eyes.

"No no it's okay don't worry about it,good thing you saved the coffee and my top"I replied and he just chuckled.

Luke gently nudged my shoulder to basically tell me 'oh my god He's hot' but seriously I'm okay.i know where I stand when it comes to this.

Mr Baker suddenly went past me and the blonde haired guy and accidentally pushed him by his shoulder.

"My bad"His voice didn't sound like he was sorry at all,he almost sounded pissed,like he wanted to do it on purpose or warn him,then he stormed out.

Miss Joanne finally went past us 30 seconds later after he left trying to catch up with him.

"Baby did you forget about me?!I was only sitting across you what happened,come back!"She shouted deafening us all.

"Sorry stranger I have to go my lessons about to start,bye have a good day!"I excused myself politely as I tugged Luke out of Starbucks too.

Luke stopped in his tracks when we got in the parking lot and folded his arms across his chest.

"You didn't even get his number!"Luke moaned and I rolled my eyes.

"He bumped into me by accident!He didn't want my number now let's go before we get moaned at"I huffed and continued to drag him inside.

"Wait what have we got again?"Luke asked dumbfounded.

"Physics now move it mr!"

I made both of us fast walk towards our lesson and made it inside before he came In,taking our normal seats I already saw Suzie sitting down.

Oh god.

"Hey suz!How are you?"Luke greeted happily and I silently sat down waiting for her to say something.

"Good.Im just tired can you leave me alone for a few minutes"She replied dryly.I must admit it was quite rude as well.

I opened my mouth to speak but Luke stopped me by rolling his eyes at her and carrying on smiling next to me.

"I love how happy you are on a daily basis"I laughed out and he chuckled.

"I got it from you"

"Okay good morning class!Today we are going to do some roleplay"Wow,he still sounded a little pissed.What happened?

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