Chapter 16:I Cant Even..Just Kidding..

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Chapter 16:I Can't Even..Just Kidding OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!

"Luke!Why in the world have you got an axe?!"I whispered yet full on shouted below my beautiful terrace.I gave him a call about half an hour ago telling him everything that's happened between falling down the stairs and right now, going to bed.

The next minute he's throwing rocks at my window so everyone can hear.With a blooming axe in his hand!

"If I'm going to rescue you I may as well do it properly.Now where are all the security guards?"He spoke back,smiling non stop.

"Luke this is not funny!"I tried holding back my laugh."i didn't ask you to rescue me I told you im going home tomorrow"

"Sweety,do me a favour before you kill me and help me up,you don't want me freezing to death do you?"He questioned smirking.

"Actually that sounds pretty good right now"I laughed quietly as I pulled off a serious face and he frowned.

"Blair please!"He begged on one knee and I pondered on how I would get him up In the first place.Im on the second floor for crying out bums.

"Give me a sec okay?"I said back and be smirked yet again.I ran to the closet in my room and opened the wooden door.My eyes widened at how spacious and colourful It was,i love it.

"I can give you two sex if you like"I heard his remark as I took out the bedsheets and started tying them together.Rolling my eyes I returned to the terrace.

"Luke!Firstly you're gay and secondly that didn't even make sense!Why are you so turned on right now?!I need you to concentrate so here,grab this!"I rambled as I threw it down.

Obviously he was laughing as he crawled up it by 2cm.Is he drunk?"Are you drunk?"I asked fearing his answer.If it was yes he was in so much bloody trouble..

"Pffffttt no!"He is so dead.

I pulled him up quietly,using all the energy I had and made him about 10cm off the ground.

My arms started coming off my shoulders I swear.


Ethan's voice caught me off guard as I turned around still holding the bed sheets behind my back as it strained my arms.

Act normal..

Just let go he won't hurt himself since he's barely off the ground.

But he's drunk so if I drop him he'll scream;thinking he's dead.


"Just barging in but I saw that you're light was on and I couldn't get to sleep so I was wondering if I could get you anything?"His husky voice made me tremble as it hit my ears.Shit.

He cleared his throat discreetly through a cough.Luke suddenly grunted,my eyes widened into circles.

"What was that?"Ethan furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion.God he looks so sexy when he does that.

No,Bad Blair!

He walked outside where I was just watching him approach me,like the idiot I am.

Before he could lean over I grabbed his arm before I could think.What else was I meant to do.

"No!I mean..Sorry I thought you were going to fall off.."Ignore the feelings Blair.

Luckily I was distracted by my hand twisting in pain as Luke was pretending like he could fly.

His eyes locked on mine as his minty breath hovered my face,I let my eyes fall closed for a second too long as his soft breathing was like music to me.He was so relaxed..

My hand was still on his arm.

I smiled heartwarmingly as I noticed his eyes were closing;the warmth that was radiating off of him covered me like a cloud.I can't exaggerate enough..I wanted to hold him,kiss him.

His face not even inches from mine I wanted him to close the distance.

"Admit it"He whispered almost hungrily near my ear,sending fire down my body.

"What?"I whispered back then wanted to slap myself for how breathless I said it.

He took a shaky breath before continuing "You have feelings for me".

I froze uncautiously,he did not just say that.Lord help me.

"I don't know what you're on about"I clearly spoke and tried to move away from him when he suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist,pulling me against him.

I bit my lip to hold in that sudden moan that was about to slip.Fireworks started spreading in my body and my mind went dead..Oh god,my body is not helping me think!

"So you're saying..this doesn't do anything"He half whispered huskily as he ran his nose up the crown of my neck.A moan was dying to slip out,he needs to stop.Now.More heat occured..

"Yep nothing,i don't know where you got that ide-"Then I cut myself off with what I didn't want him to hear.I let out a soft moan as his lips touched my neck gently.

He carried on kissing my neck as he went lower and lower.

"Ethan.."I moaned out,trying to be annoyed but I couldn't.

He let out an incredibly sexy groan and kissed that same spot.He let it linger for a few seconds "Ethan"I moaned out again with more umpth.

"Admit it"He whispered against my neck,this time I pulled my bottom lip in my mouth to stop it from making sounds.

"No"I stated and he pulled away.I could tell he didn't want to as pure lust filled his eyes as well as lov- No I'm definitely wrong on that.

Immediately I felt the need to pull him close to me again,feel his body pressed up against mine,feel his hands on me.

He probably just wants me to admit it so he can feed his ego.

"Fuck why are you so beautiful!"He sounded pissed at himself.Wait b-b-beautiful? "I thought I could do it,stay away but I just couldn't help it.Every time you look at me it drives me insane,when you touch me it's so hard!And now?I want to hold you against me k-"He cut himself off as he glanced at me..realising I hadn't ran away and I was listening to ever word and watching every movement he made.

My heart was beating out of my chest.He feels everything I feel.

Then the sheets twisted my hand in an unusual position,dammit Luke.

"I-i-i..goodnight"He stuttered cutely but before I could stop him he had fled out of the room.

And then I let go of the bed sheets.



Wow.I don't even know what to say to all of you!Thankyou firstly for 2k!Voting and commenting from you makes my day so please keep doing it and supporting me because sometimes I really so need it..😘

So please let me know you liked this chapter by Voting,Commenting,Sharing,Faning and Enjoying!💖

So who's aboard the Ethan Train?

Stay smiling you're beautiful!💜💚🌍💎

-J xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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