Chapter 38:Love Is One Thing That One Cannot Buy Yet One Could Pay For It...

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Chapter 38: Love Is One Thing That One Cannot Buy Yet One Could Pay For It...

I still need to go back...for my mum, for Luke..for E- Mr Baker.Or if that video was manipulated that would end there careers.  I don't know why I still care so much about him.

Because you love him.

But I don't want to anymore!I don't want to want him!I don't want to kiss him!I don't want to love him!

"Stupid tears"I mumbled to myself as I was constantly wiping the things away.

This is karma.Karma for loving my Proffesor, I should of never let us get so close!Maybe it's a good thing..

Yep,it was a good thing this let's find my way back that house.

I kept reassuring myself as i returned from the park I had walked into and retreated to my doom.

That was dramatic.

Why not be dramatic?It's not like simplicity is valued these days. I can where simple baggy clothes and people will say I look like a 'tramp'.

Oh my gosh,your brain is jumping from situation to situation. Calm down...I know it's hard but just breathe..

I was now,back from my walk and somehow had sweaty palms and shaky breathes as I knocked on the door.

Nathan opened it and I exhaled the breathe I had held in unconsciously.

"Hey, isn't someone happy to see me?"He smiled out and opened the door wider to let me in.

I let out a short laugh and jokily said "No,when am I ever".

He smiled widely at my remark as we walked into the living room.

"So where did you go? I woke up about fifteen minutes ago to the news and noticed you weren't there"Nathan asked genuinely.

Errm I-i "I felt a bit nauseous so I had to step out,I went to the park" I lied.Well half lied...I did feel sick and I did go to the park.. But that wasn't the full reason.

"The park?But the nearest park near this house is a 45 minute walk away"He  was now concerned as his eyes furrowed together in worry and confusion. "Everything is okay isn't it Blair?"he asked after staring at me for what felt like eternity.

"Mhh,i haven't seen a park in a while" I hadn't realised I had been gone for so long but then again I didn't want to come back.

Oh what a lame excuse I had said!

"Well anyway; Kristen ordered a cake and I saved you a piece.."He diverted the topic seeing me in the state I'm in.

"You saved me cake?I don't believe stole my cereal bar out of my pocket the other day when that was the last one I had"I laughed out.

"Fine Ms Baker saved you the cake after Ethan cut it for you and you weren't here..and then I,yes me, didn't eat it!So basically I saved it for you"Smiling out cheekily my face shone with amusement and laughter.

"Now, I believe that"I breathed out as Luke entered the room.

"Hey beautiful.."Luke spoke,trying to smile but it didn't come through.

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