Chapter 43:When You Get Ready It Normally Prepares You...

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Chapter 43:When You Get Ready It Normally Prepares You For What's Coming. It May Be Something Small, Something Minuscule Or Something Big.But Be Ready.

I fell for it.

I fell for him.

I fell on his fucking lips!

Well...not exactly..

Stupid,stupid,stupid Blair.

"Luke's outside, don't worry I'll explain-"Ethan started but I cut him short.

"Tell him what Ethan?That your getting married but we just snogged each other's faces off no biggie! I'm so stupid!"I exclaimed exhausted.

"I cause you so much pain... I just couldn't resist I'm so sorr-"

"If you love me Ethan.. Please shut up" I wasn't just blaming myself now, I was blaming both of us.I try so hard to stop and he just swoops in and saves me like the 'damsel in distress' all these people think I am.

But I'm not.

I am a strong independent woman that will not be anyone's mistress.

Ethan had stopped talking and I felt guilty.Guilty for kissing him back when I could have walked away.

"This is all so frustrating"I huffed out.

"Luke!Get out for a second!"I shouted quickly as I hadn't replied yet.

"Alright sweety hurry up!"He replied with no question, I normally asked him to step out while I got changed.

Ethan's hand hovered my waist and I let out a "don't" his hands backed away from me instantly.

I opened the bathroom door, dripping from head to toe as well as the person behind me.

"Go get ready... We have to leave for the venue in 20 minutes"I spoke not looking at him.I felt embarrassed, disparaged and stupid. I broke down again. A-fucking-gain.

He opened his mouth but shut it as I pulled his arm out of Luke's bedroom door.

"Just please go"I turned my back as he turned towards me, running my hands down my face.

He silently went after a few seconds and I closed the door.

My eyes landed on a beautiful red dress that was laying on the bed. It had a side cut on the lower half so on one side of my legs it would show more skin and on the other it would show less. The simple thin red straps showcased the simplicity of the love heart neckline and the sheer fabric. It literally took my breath away.

"I know right"Luke whispered from behind me and I gasped in fright.Ignoring the moment I had I turned to face him.

I didn't say anything but I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close to me.

"You didn't have to do this for m-" I started whispering but he cut me off.

"No, shhh, I wanted too because you,my beautiful princess, are going to be the sexiest woman at that ridiculous party and show Ethan what he let go"He soothed my problems as he rubbed my back.

I stayed hugging him, he was the bestest friend I could ever have.

"Thankyou my handsome prince"I whispered and he smiled against my neck.

I had to tell him what just happened though.I've never hid anything from him.

"Luke... I-i-" and then I told him what had happened before he had came into the bedroom.

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