Chapter 35:A Pebble In The Road May Not Make A Difference In The World But..

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Chapter 35:A Pebble In The Road May Not Make A Difference In The World But It Can Affect You And Your Actions.

"Dad,Dickens still has the video In his database...he can use it whenever he wants to manipulate it and cut out sentences to make Ethan and Luke look bad"I rambled as I talked.

"Baby girl i know...I watched the video remember and I've been trying since then to get on to it and erase it.I was going to call you for your help.The only way I will be able to get onto his database is if you get onto his laptop and disable the connection he has with his company for about ten seconds-this will allow me to break the bond and power he has and get enough time to erase the video doing a whole load of other stuff like change the IP address,track down the location of the video-"

"Dad,now you're rambling!How am I meant to disable the connections he has to his own company,won't he realise that he can't access anything to do with his company?"

"Once you get on it,you will need to open up an email he has recieved from me which is how i hacked into his company,I will need you to click on that then immediately delete my email so he won't see it,then all you have to do is press a tick that will be at the bottom of the page which is normally there from his own server of chose-"

"Which in this case is his laptop,so that's why you can't do it"

"Yes ,yes now we have to do this all very quick which is why I can only work to erase it in ten seconds so he won't realise that someone is on it and think it's just a technical difficulty.Then you will undo the tick you pressed and cross off everything you were on,I will do the rest and delete the history-so there will be no way of knowing we were there and you will get out of there as soon as possible!".

"Okay I want to do this as soon as possible,I will call you if I get the opportunity of doing this today..but I am very tired"I yawned.

"You've done a lot today Blair,so please don't do it today...You need some rest,take care of yourself will you?"He asked,worry dripping in his tone.

"I will dad,I love you"I smiled out.

"I love you too sweetheart,and make amends with Luke and that Ethan guy okay?"He laughed out.

Yes,I had to tell him what happened between us so he could help me.

"Okay,I will with Luke and I have with Ethan..and Dad he's a great guy"I said my goodbye and hung up.


"Luke I'm sorry for being angry at you..I should of known better and knew you were lying all that time"I whispered whilst I squeezed him to death.

"No I'm sorry for not telling you..."He whispered back,engulfing me.

"Well don't be popcorn"I smiled.

"Did you just call him popcorn?"Ethan laughed out in amusement as he popped his head through the door.

I hid my laugh whilst nodding, "shuddup bruv" I spoke; finally letting my laughter out.

He entered the room and smiled;a smile that sent warm shivers down me.

"Oh for fuck sake put a shirt on Ethan! I'm fucking bisexual for heavens sake!" Luke groaned out in annoyance as i laughed.

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