Chapter 31:You Know If Someone You Hate..

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Chapter 31:You Know If Someone You Hate Told You A Secret About Your Bestfriend,Would You Tell Them?

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?"I screamed as I slammed my foot onto the brakes.

Angrily getting out of my car I was partially mad that I hadn't even made it out of the driveway.

My heart had slowed down slightly from the sudden shock and agility whilst I walked up to him.

"You better have a good fucking reason for jumping Infront of my car Luke!I COULD OF KILLED YOU!WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"By now you could practically see smoke coming out of my ears.

What if something had happened to him!?My bestfriend would have been gone forever!

Now I had faced him nose to nose.My eyes set on the black haired boy with worry.

"I-i-I sorry!I knew you would have stopped so I just ran to get your attention.."He stuttered and ran his hand through his hair.

"Luke what would of happened if I hadn't stopped!?I would be the reason my bestfriend died!God dammit Luke!"I screeched as I pulled him into a hug.One hand hitting him in the shoulder but them soothing it with the other.

"You stupid idiot"I mumbled and he wrapped his arms around me like he used to.

"I'm still your bestfriend?"He smiled cheerfully and I rolled my eyes.

"Well you were..before you ran Infront of my car!"I joked and he sniffled back tears.

"I tried so hard to make you hate me and pretend I hated's killing me!You're my bestfriend,the only I can count on for everything and he took it away"His hands became tighter around my back as though he was remembering something-in fury.

"What did he say?Did he threaten you?"My voice became low and dangerous but then he suddenly pulled away.

"I've said too much.."He half whispered as he wiped his tears.

"The reason I jumped Infront of your car was to tell you to leave,I don't want you staying here with Dickens,just please listen to me and Ethan..i can get your bags ready..What you said to him before you left didn't exactly make his day either;He's pissed,just go"he whispered and kept looking around.

"I'm not going anywhere sweety..I know he made you say all that stuff in the room..and I promise that whatever he's hiding,whatever his little plan is,I will always be 5,10,15 steps Infront of him"

"Blair please no...please stop digging,Dawn left you,you're a disappointment "He stretched and didn't take his eyes off of me.

No.No I'm not.Am I?

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that and walk away.."I muttered and tore my gaze from his.

"Blair-"He started but I cut him off.


With that I safely got into my car and drove off without any interruptions.


I was physics all day,oh joy.Not.

I walked into the classroom along side nobody,since I walked away from Luke this morning I didn't really feel like socialising.

"Good morning"Ethan smiled out towards the class and a small smile traced my lips.

It's still the morning?Oh yeah I forgot I didn't sleep.I must be looking so attractive today..

"Blair pay attention"His voice spoke firmly making my head snap up to glare at him.

"Don't pay attention to her then!Look at me or someone;You're wasting your teaching time Ethan"A girl called out from infront of me.How the hell does she know his name? I didn't find out until I nearly broke my leg!

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