Chapter 10:A Lesson You Should Learn In Life?

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Chapter 10:A Lesson You Should Learn In Life?Always Walk With Your Head Held High;
No one Can Take That Away From You..Well Unless You Fall Down The Stairs,Then You Have To Keep It As Low As Ever.



What's 9+10?

A potato flew aroun-!

Why have I got vine again?

Oh yeah to distract myself whilst I go down two flights of stairs and regret my decision.

I kept staring up at the amount of stairs I had to do and let a massive sigh escape my lips.Well I suppose this is better than him.Yep so I'm happy!

"Holy cows of trees!"Suddenly,I hissed in pain.

I felt my body tumble at my twisted ankle,the cold floor welcomed me rudely.

My hands didn't save me In time..

I stumbled down a flight of stairs till I stopped myself from falling any further and pain held my face,i felt tears already sworming behind my eyes because of the agony that exploded on my stomach and legs along with my arms that felt like crushed bones.

I moved my body slighty just to see if I did.

Ow!Oh my god,oh my god.

I can't move.

Scream for someone to help you!

No what if it's Mr Bak-

I will slap you.

"Blair!BLAIR!"I heard a worried voice shouting my name as he ran up the stairs.

The sound echoed as the person ran from the bottom floor and he didn't stop.Why does he care so much?

"BLAIR WHERE ARE YOU!?"Mr Baker shouted and all I kept hearing was the tip taps of his shoes.

My body felt like pieces of glass was being thrown at me by a dozen people.


I glanced up from my blurry eyes to lock on his..they were so frightened and vulnerable.For me?

I tried to speak but nothing but air came out.He rushed towards me like I was on fire and crouched down.

His eyes kept on mine as he moved a strand of hair off my face,fire spread across me and I closed my eyes.His thumb swiped slowly across the tear that had betrayed me.

"it's okay..I've got you"His whisper hovered my face and his soft tone got caught on my ears.

All of a sudden his hands started trailing under my head and waist;My heart started beating faster but I stayed quiet as I felt him pick me up in bridal style.

Normally I would fight him off if he touched me at all..unfortunately I couldn't.

Actually,You don't want too.

He started carrying me up the stairs I had came from and I felt like I was going to fall.

"Crap!"I shrieked to myself as he took the last step up and I immediately wrapped my hands around his neck.

Damn it.

His skin was so smooth..My whole body couldn't help but heat up.Stop it Blair.

I realised he had stopped in his tracks as I did that.Crap.Shall I try moving it away slowly and say my hand slipped?

No, are you stupid?

Fine,I'll try I'm an idiot and I got scared thinking I was going to fall again so I acted like a poo..

He held me so gently that I didn't realise how much I was lost in that moment and just let my eyes breathe whilst he carried on walking.

He grunted slowly to himself in a cute annoyed tone.Wait,not cute.I didn't mean to say cute.

"Just tell me one thing?What in the blooming heck was the damn need to take the stairs?Like I get it,okay,you wanted to take a walk but you could Atleast watch were you were going Blair!God just look at your cuts...What if you cracked your head ope-"

"Look at me.."I cut him off his little rant and he held me securely,it was like he thought I would run away.Well I would.

No you wouldn't.

Yes I would.

His eyes glanced down and it held the blankness again.

"I'm okay,please put me down I think I can still walk..i just want to go home"I half whispered,pain still conquering my body.

"No,im taking you to the hospital"

"Sir You have a class to teach"I mumbled and noticed the stares I got from people.

"I sent a teacher to cover"He replied matter of factly.

"Now be careful..Put your head down alittle so you don't hurt it.."He spoke as he placed me in his Silver car and fastened me in.He was talking to be like I was so fragile that I would break.

I sniffled in and inhaled his sent that filled the car.

"I have a car Sir"I mumbled.

"You're in no condition to drive..just for once..please.. let me take care of you,You're hurt"He sounded hurt.He's probably just tired of my crap he has to put up with.

But he doesn't have to put up with it.

"You don't have too,you're a Proffesor,thats not your job"So stop acting like you care about me!I'm starting to like his stupid face!And his stupid eyes along with his smile and laugh!

I noticed as I looked out the window that He went quiet..


"Shitbag sherley!"I mumbled to myself and winced as I got out my phone to text him.

"Hey hey hey!"Mr Baker rushed and his hand hovered me but didn't touch me as he noticed what I was doing.

His face was blank.

Me:Luke I'm sorry I had to leave you but by the time you read this I will be at the hospital,Yes I know what you're thinking."WHAT,WHY? ARE YOU OKAY?"But I tripped and fell down some stairs no biggie!Btw this is all your fault for saying I was sick.No I'm kidding!DONT think that!See you soon Lovely!😘😊Oh wait...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I got out of school!😋👣

I reached to put my phone back in my pocket when a warm hand brushed past my hand.Tingles started appearing and my breathe got caught in my throat.

He swiftly took the phone off of me and put it in his trouser pocket.

"Don't want them beautiful eyes to get injured too now do we?"Huh?WAIT WHAT DID HE SAY?!

Did he just compliment me?Or was he making fun of me?

I turned to look at him but his bright eyes were focused on the road.He swallowed like he had realised what had came out of his mouth.

Atleast my stupid idiot is distracting me from this agony I'm feeling.

----------------1165 words---------------

Thankyou for reading!I love all of you,even though there's not many of you..So let me know if you are reading,even you silent readers here;it would mean a lot😘

Please Enjoy,Comment,Fan&Vote!💖

Stay smiling you're beautiful💜💙❤️xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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