Chapter Eleven

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"Do I really have to do this, I mean I know I wanted to but now I'm backing out" I whine in the back of Tom's car "Yeah! You can't back out now! It's been booked and payed for" Jake laughs, rubbing thumb over my hand. We arrive at the tattoo shop and Wet get led into the back;
Jake, Tom, Casey and Casey's brother and sister all came for 'support' they said.
"'We'll come for support' they said
'It'll be fun" they said" I laugh mocking them as I take off my jumper which leaves me in a black vest top.
I'm getting roses on my left shoulder and I'm so nervous!
They sat down on the sofa and Casey on the floor as there wasn't any room, I lay on the tattoo bed thing and hear the buzzing on the needle, I unlock my phone and feel instant pain on my shoulder, Jake walks over to my right side and grabs my hand "Jake I'm not in labour" I laugh "I know, you've just gone a bit pail" he smiles, "We're going to the shop, do you want anything?" Chet, Casey's brother asks "Will you get a tenner out my bag and get me a tub of Ben and Jerry's? The chocolate brownie?" I smile "oh and a spoon"
"Don't worry about the tenner" Chet smiles walking out.
After about 10 minutes, Chet and Coral arrive back and he hands me my ice cream. I sit there eating it and before I knew it! I was done, the tattooist puts this cream on it and puts a see through cover on it.
I arrive at my house about an hour later. my mum sees my tattoo and looks disheartened, "Ella! What the hell is this" she shouts "Its a thing called a tattoo" I smile "That's it! Your behaviour has disgusting recently" she shouts again "I'm 18! I'm not a child" I scream, she looks gob smacked, I feels burning feeling across my left cheek and instantly realise she's hit me, "Get your thing and leave!" She spits, "You're kicking me out?" I whisper "Too right I'm kicking you out" she shouts, I run upstairs and pack my things in a large hard suitcase.
I walk towards the door and see my mum with a glass of wine and two empty bottles. I drive all the way to Jakes house and knock the door, "Ella? You know Jake left for London about an hour ago don't you?" Teresa smiles "Yeah but, I have no where to go, my mum kicked me out and you've been like a second family to me ever since I got close to you and the pub" I smile, tears rolling "Ella! You can stay as long as you need darlin" she smiles bringing me inside.

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