Chapter Four

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I walk into the pub with Zoe, I spot Jake and he immediately turns around, flashing such a sweet smile! Am I falling for a guy I don't even know?
Zoe sits at the bar and we get talking, getting interrupted by customers now and then wanting drinks. I walk over to Jakes table who he is sharing his friends, Teresa and Sydney, I collect the empty glasses and Zoe watches me to keep herself company, "Was he watching me" I whisper, she nods and we both giggle, "Ella! Can we have the music on" Danny, a regular asks, "Let me asks Neil, hold on" I respond. I ask Neil and I turn the music up, whenever the music comes on, the real Ella comes out. She's dancing with everyone, and even on tables.
Like tonight. "El! Have a drink" Teresa shouts over the music "You've met my parents! Snobby and stuck up. If I got home drunk they'd kill me" I laugh, "You're 18! You're allowed" she laughs back "I'm good" I smile, "Sit down" she says allowing me to sit down, I see Jake move along for Zoe and I to sit. "I'm Jake" he smiles "I'm Ella"
We get into a conversation and exchange numbers.
Me and Zoe arrive at my house and once again, my mum is awake "Ella! You smell of alcohol" she glares "I woke at a pub and even if I did, it's not a crime. I'm 18" I smile "Less of the attitude or you could be out that door in a second" she shouts "What attitude! There wasn't any attitude in there" I spit "Your behaviour is unacceptable! Go to bed and we'll talk in the morning" she shouts "No! Me and Zoe are going back to the pub!" I say laughing, grabbing Zoe's hand and running towards the car and driving away with her "I cannot believe you just did that" she laughs "Me neither! I can't breath" I breath laughing afterwards.
We arrive back at the pub and I tell Teresa everything laughing afterwards, we spend the night having drinks and let's just say. It's safe to say I may have fallen for Jake.

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