Chapter Six

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I arrived home yesterday and got screamed at and grounded, but I'm going out with Jake today so, yeah.
In wearing a white belly too which shows a little belly, flower jacket and light blue jeans.
"Where are you going?" My mum sternly asks "Out" I state clearly "You're grounded" she shouts "Let me live my life. I'm 18, you can't ground me" I huff "I don't know who you've become, but I don't like it" she shouts once again "Well I do!" I shout back and run to my car before she can stop me.
I arrive in town and see Jake and 7 other boys waiting for me, 5 of which I've met. "You've met these but this is Reece and Charlie" he smiles, I smile shyly at then but notice a girl with a belly top on, showing off her belly bar "I want it done so bad" I sigh "Well get it done! My treat" Jake smiles, dragging me to the nearest piercing shop. They lye me down on a bed and I didn't feel a thing. "Ok! You're done" the lady smiles, "My mum is gonna kill me" I laugh making Jake laugh who came in the back with me, we pay and leave. I spend the rest of the day hanging out with the boys.

When I get home I see my mums face drop from a smile to a frown. "What's that in your belly button?" She questions "I got a piercing" I whisper "WHAT! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO YOURSELF" She shouts, very loudly "Save it mum, I'm getting something to eat then going to work" I sigh "Oh mum, tomorrow I want you to meet someone, his names Jake"
Her eyes widen and she smiles "I'm exited"

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