Chapter TwentyTwo

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Ballerina since I was five up to the age of sixteen.
My fifth birthday party was my favourite, had been bought too many my little pony toys.

My sixteenth birthday was amazing too! My parents bought me this wrist chain with silver ballerina shoes dangling off them. I still wear it today.

Jake's P.O.V
She lay lifeless, I study her fugue, her collar bones slightly showing, pale face, too pale for my liking.
I held her hand which was so cold, freezing in fact. Why? Why couldn't she have just talked to me about things?
I would never hurt Ella! Never. That thing in the hotel room was a one off, a mistake. I'd never deliberately hurt someone so special and precious to me, the boys, my mum and sister.
She's got everything going for her, a beautiful singing voice, she's an amazing dancer, and most of all! The only girl I've properly loved.
This year and a half is a year and a half I could never forget.
The first time I saw her in that bar, huffing so her cheeks puffed slightly, clearly showing she was tired and stressed.
Please Ella, Just wake up.
"Mr Sims?" I hear, I lift my head up and see a nurse "Ella's condition is very critical, it's hard to tell if she'll make it through the night, would you like the other 7 gentlemen to come in, or would you like to be alone?" She smiles sympathetically "Could they come in" I whisper and hear her footsteps fade away followed by the door opening and closing.
"How's she doing" an Irish voice asks, Clearly Chris "They don't know if she'll make it" I whisper, not knowing if they heard me "Sir, there's a women wanting to come in, we'd like you to talk to her" the nurse tells me, I nod and stand up, I wipe my tears then wipe my hands on my jeans and walk out, its her mum.
"How could you let this happen to my daughter" she cries "It wasn't my fault. She's depressed and she didn't tell me" I sob, she pulls me into a hug then releases me, which I thought was rather weird as I thought she hated me "How is she" she whispers wiping away my tears "They don't know if she's gonna make it"
"Jake" I hear someone shout, I look past Amanda's shoulder and see my mum and Sydney running towards me, My mum hugs me and wipes her tears away "How is she" she asks "They're not sure if she's gonna make it" I choke "Is Ella dying?" Sydney whispers
"Syd, listen" I whisper as I sit her down on the chair in the waiting room, "When things get a little to hard, some people don't know how to handle things, harming themselves is one way to handle it. Ella is one of them people. She took too many TikTaks with alcohol and its upset her tummy, she might not be here tomorrow" I whisper, I watch my little sister take a deep breath and let out a sigh followed by sobs, I cover my face and take her hand "Will you two wait out here while I take her in?" I whisper again and watch my mum and her mum nod.
Sydney takes a seat on Charlie's lap and cries.
By this time, everyone is "The last time I was in a hospital was in a hospital for a bad thing was for my sister" Tom cries, wiping his tears.

Now and then the nurse would come in and check on Ella "Ok, I'm gonna have to ask you all to leave for a couple of minutes" she smiles but it soon fades
"Why what's happening?" I ask but get no response.

We all walk out and I see Ella's best friend, Zoe "Hey! What's happened? I came as fast as I could" she breathes "Nothing so far" James replies.

We were allowed back in but they let me and Zoe go in together.
Zoe sits down and begins to talk.
"Hey Elle, you wouldn't believe how many people have been to see you, 10? 20? I've lost count. Please! Come back" she cries.
Everyone joins us after Zoe talks. I decide to say something, to Ella;
"Hey baby, we all can't wait till you wake up. I know this is up to you whether you die or survive but please, pull through.
Listen, baby, I understand if you wanna go and you can't hold on any longer and you need to be with your dad! We all understand that. And we won't judge or hate you if you need to let go. Just remember, we all love you deeply. If you go I feel like there's a huge piece of me that's gone. It's been an amazing roller coaster ride of a year and a half. I love you deeply and so does everyone else! Please don't give up Ella"

Just as I finish that sentence, her eyes open and she gasps for air.

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