Chapter Seven

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(OutFit Above)

Today, Jake is coming to meet my parents, but I seriously doubt they'll like him. I hear a knock at the door and run to get it. I see Jake standing there with the famous smile I fell for first.
"Mum, dad this is Jake" I smile, they both Shake Jakes hand.
Dinner came around and all sorts of questions were throws at him
"What do you do for a living?"
"Im actually in an eight piece band, we came 5th on The X Factor"
"Have you been to college"
"Nope, never really wanted to"
"Think you're better than it"
"No, I just never thought about it"
"Why my daughter"
"Her smile, personality, loyalty, charisma"
"Ok! Me and Jake are going bye" I smile grabbing Jakes hand and running out the door. "They don't like me do they" he laughs "Not in the slightest" I sigh "but I don't care. I like you! And that's all that matters" I smile kissing his lips, "I'll see you tomorrow, I need to go" I smile, keening up to kiss his one last time before watching him drive away.
"Why him! He's full of piercings and tattoos. Wouldn't you want to be with someone more elegant and sophisticated" my mum asks "No! He's just right for me. I've found myself with him"
"I don't like him" I my dad sternly admits "Well I don't care. I do"

After all that I had a huge argument with my parents and stormed out, crying. Before I knew what I was doing and where I was, I ended up at Jakes doorstep. I knocked and a few seconds later, Jake answered pulling me into a hug "I hate them. They never want me to be happy" I sob "You're staying here tonight" he whispers pulling me inside.

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