Chapter Nineteen

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I waited nervously but patiently back stage of the X Factor Tour, the boys were singing their last song with the other 8 contestants as Paul was able to join the tour. They'd finished singing the Take That song, said their goodbyes and hopped off stage, "You were amazing" I smile while hugging Jake "Thanks" he smiles but it fades away "What's up?" I frown, he pulled me aside and spoke "You took the test before, we don't know the answer" he mumbles "Jake, whatever happens I understand if you want to leave me" I smile looking down "Jake won't leave you! He loves you" Charlie smiles, completely oblivious of the situation.
Once we leave the arena and head to the hotel, everyone goes to Bens room, while Jake and I head to his.
I step into the bathroom and huff "Well?" He whispers, arms folded leaning on the door frame, "Negative" I sigh a sigh of relief as does he, "I love you" he smiles kissing my forehead "I'm sorry I slept with Jake" I whisper as a tear slips down my face "You did what?" I hear a shocked voice being raised as the door opens, I turn my head and so does Jake to see Mikey, as he didn't know and he's like my older brother, you can image what he was like "Why would you do that to him? You do realise this changes everything and my opinions on you" he spits "Mikey wait" I huff grabbing his hand "Pregnancies test?" His eyes grow wide and more tears spill "You've fucked up Ella! I cannot believe you" he sarcastically laughs "Its negative" I sigh "Still! You still cheated on your boyfriend" Mikey makes a quick exit before I break down into a puddle of tears, I feel arms hold onto my shaking wrists and I try to pull away, Jake was having none of it. He soon see's the pain on my face and his softens along with his grip, he pulls up my sleeve and backs away "How long" he whispers "Jake it doesn't matter" I laugh trying to hide my pain and guilt "HOW LONG" He shouts which causes me to become quite scared "Since my dad passed" I whisper, I watch Jake punch the walls and throw various items. Before I knew it, the plug on the phone charger took a liking to my nose, causing a trickle of blood to run, I stand up and run to the room everyone was in, I bang and bang until it was answered, I run over to Chris and lock our fingers together, I see Jake enter the room and make his way towards me, I move behind Chris and move closer to his back "Did Jake do this?" Chris whispers looking over his shoulder at me, I nod and yet again, more tears fall, "Baby, I didn't mean it" Jakes facial expressions soften but I couldn't help feel his pain "Leave her!" Chris spits "You can sleep in mine and Charlie's room tonight" Chris whispers, I hear Jake huff and watch him walk away.
I always feel so safe when I'm around Chris and Charlie, maybe because they're taller than me? I don't know but I know all the other boys are but it's something about Chris and Charlie that makes me feel protected and so much more safe than anyone has been able to do since my dads death

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