Chapter Thirteen

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••• 1 year later •••

Today is my X Factor audition, im so nervous. I've got loads more tattoos, nose piercing and lip piercing (picture)
I love the way life is going. I've come with my friend Cammi who is coming for support, I'm singing Ella Eyre If I go, there's a guest judge as Cheryl (let's pretend the judges are the same) is off, I walk in and my heart beats fast as I instantly recognise the guest judge as, Casey Johnson.
I finish singing and Simon speaks
"Ella, for a 19 year old girl I think you have an amazing voice"
"Girl! You've just got it! You've got lungs! I love you voice and your style" Mel smiles winking at me
"Long time no see Ella! Who knew you had such an amazing voice! I'm looking forward to see more of you" Casey smiles causing me to not know the emotion to have, to smile and thank him, to cry that I've seen him again or to just nod. Which is what I go for, nodding is what I'm best at.
"Ok are we ready to vote? Louis asks
"Ella, you've got 4 yes's! You're through to the arena auditions" Simon smiles, I smile but break down, I walk out and jump on Cammi who is crying "Babe I'm so proud of you! My best friend is through" she squeals
I go through a door as I was asked to do a load of interviews, as I was finishing I see Casey walking my way, "Hello stranger" he smiles "Hi" I laugh "So! You defiantly came out your shell then" he winks "Yeah, I guess so" I smile, it went silent for a little bit until I spoke again "So how's Jake"
"Jake? He's good, not been the same since that day but he's good" he smiles softly "I had to leave, my mum kicked me out and my boyfriend was seen with another girl, is he with her?" I ask frowning "Nah! He wouldn't date his cousins girlfriend" Casey winks "Oh course it was" I sigh "The boys are picking me up in a bit, how are you two getting home?" He asks "Cammi's boyfriend, oh erm, Cam this is Casey, Casey with is Cammi" I smile introducing them to one another "How do you know Casey Johnson?" Cammi frowns "I was going out with Jake Sims" I smile "Shut your fucking mouth" she gasps very quickly.
We wait outside talking to Casey when a black,large, Range Rover pulls up "Well, I'll see you soon;
Jakes in the car if you wanna talk" he smiles raising his eyebrows "I think he knows it's me, he can see me out the window" I laugh, I notice Luke, Cammi's boyfriend pull up in his reasonably sized Range Rover, Cammi hops in the front and they wait, "Well, I need to go but, tweet me in a bit or something" Casey smiles, he opens the door and instantly mine and Jake's eyes connect, "I'll see you soon" I smile at Casey before turning on my heels and hopping into the back of Luke's car.

[A/N: Yes I'm aware the girl in the picture is Orla from this years X Factor but come on, how can she not be your women crush Wednesday?! Let me know your thoughts 💋]

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