Chapter TwentyThree

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Jake's P.O.V

She didn't talk, didn't blink, didn't bat and eyelid. She just lay there, looking at the door, the nurse came in to deliver some news "Right! So did you know they Ella was 6 months pregnant? We did a DNA test and it was Jake Sims? Is that any of you in here?" She smiles, I nod my head and she sighs "Did you know?" She asks and I shake my head "Im so sorry to say this, but the baby is in a very critical state, we'll have to operate and get the baby out right away! Which means it will be premature" she informs everyone.
I slept with Ella 3 months before she slept with Jake. She was 3 months pregnant with my child and slept with someone else. Did she even know?
"Do you want to come with her to deliver the baby?" She asks again and I nod yes.
"Where are you taking me?" She croaks "Ella! You're pregnant. We need to deliver your baby as soon as possible!" The nurse informs Ella, she looks worried but stays silent.

Once the baby is delivered she begins to cry "I didn't know" she sobs "baby! It's ok! Don't worry. Everything's going to be ok!" I whisper while kissing her forehead "I wasn't even showing"
"My baby is 3 months premature" she sobs both sentences.

They clean her up and get her back to the hospital room.
"Ok! So you had a baby boy, a little fighter" she smiles "he's a little weak and a little small but we are very satisfied he's going to be fine" she smiles again.
"Have I done this" Ella whispers "Course not! You didn't know you were pregnant" I whisper grabbing her hand "I'm sorry" she cried, I hug her tight and kiss her head "Any names for your baby?" The nurse asks

After a long discussion we figure out 3 names we like;

"I'll give you time to thing" she smiles and walks out.

[A/N: Guys I need a name from the above and a middle name! Think for me guys 😘 my minds blank]

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