Chapter Five

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It's the 5th weekend in a row me and Zoe are going out to the night club with Jake and his friends, in wearing a white long sleeved crop top and floral print shorts (picture) Zoe on the other hand, is wearing a tight fitted dress.
We arrive and see Jake waiting outside but this time with a different croup of people, "Girls, this is Chris, James, Casey, Tom and Barclay" he tells us pointing to each boy, we enter the club and get drinking straight away, "Ella! Didn't expect you to be out" I hear a voice shout from behind me, I turn around and see one of my friends I haven't spoken to in years, Rita!
"Well, I finally told my parents where to go" I laugh hugging her "Well I need to go, but we need to catch up! You look amazing by the way" she smiles walking away.
We move on to different clubs until it was clear to say, my drunken state was unbearable for anyone to handle. The five boys were staying in a hotel and Jake, obviously at his house. Zoe left early as she had work in the morning, "You can't go home. Come on! You're coming with me" Jake laughs "I wanna stay out" I laugh falling back, I look up to see Chris I believe had caught me, he pushes me back up and winks "You can barely stand! Come on"
We get out of the taxi around 3:46am and I flop to the floor laughing, Jake picks me up bridal style and unlocks the front door, his mum is still awake and laughs "Ella?"
"Helloooo!" I sing "Jake get her to bed" she laughs once again shaking her head.
Jake lays me down on what I believe to be his bed and sits at the end of it, "Jake! The shirt had to go but you can stay" I smirk, sitting up, "Ella! Go to sleep" he whispers against my lips as I've learnt forward "Nope" I smile kissing him.

I wake up completely naked next to Jake. My first time was when I was drunk? What!
I start laughing covering my face which causes Jake to wake up, "You ok?" He asks with a raspy morning voice which is so hot! "Can I have it back please?" I smile, laugh fading away "Have what back?" He frowns "My virginity" I smile, his eyes widen "You were a virgin?" He smiles "Can you blame me, you have never met my parents" I smile turning on my side,
"You're really pretty" he whispers kissing my nose, the door opens and reveals Jakes mum and sister "Oh I see how it is" Teresa winks causing me to burry my face in the mattress, "There's food downstairs, me and Syd are going shopping for more" she smiles and walks out "Mum, why are they naked" we hear Sydney asks, "They got hot last night" we hear Teresa respond, we look at each other and burst into laughing,

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