Chapter Twenty

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I woke up cuddled up next to my 15 year old weirdo friend, Chris took the single bed so I could be next to someone during the night.
I wriggle out of his hold as I hear a knock at the door and they're both still asleep, I pull down my shorts as they have risen during the night and walk towards the door. I open it and see Jake, he looks horrible. His eyes are red, his hair isn't a quiff its all flat, his face has tear stains on it and he's all pale.
"Jake, you need to leave her" Charlie speaks as he walks up behind me "She's my girlfriend mate" Jake laughs sarcastically "Jake" I whisper "Elle, you can't be serious" he raises his eyebrows in shock and disbelief "You threw something at me" I breathe "It wasn't deliberately" he spits "I'll talk to you in a bit" I smile a sympathetic smile and close the door, I break down in Charlie's arms and collapse on the floor "Lets run you a bubble bath and we can talk yeah?" Charlie smiles, we walk into the bathroom and I watch him run the bath. He leaves while I undress and get in.
I bring my knees up to my chest so Charlie doesn't see anything and I call him in. He sits in the floor and we begin to talk.
"So if you don't wanna talk about this you don't have to. But I know your dad died but we spoke about it and you said you were going to stop, why'd you carry on?" He smiles sympathetically.
"Everyone keeps saying it gets better, but when? It's not changing anything for me, I'm worthless" I sob, Charlie wipes my tears as he speaks "No you're not"
"I am" I nod "sometimes I wonder why I shouldn't just give up, my mum doesn't want me, Jake hates me because I cut" I sob once again "Hey! Don't think like that" I hear an Irish accent speak, I look towards the door to see Chris, he sits by Charlie and joins us "Can I see" Chris frowns "What?" I frown back "Your cuts" he whispers
I shake my head at first but then I slowly move my arm out of the water and dangle it over the edge of the bath, Chris runs his index finger over the damages piece of skin and closes his eyes "We love you Ella! Don't forget that" Charlie whispers.
They both kiss my forehead before exiting the room

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