Chapter Eight

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Jake and I have been together for a good couple of months now, and luckily, the fans like me.
We're all sat at rehearsals, waiting for others to arrive, talking when a message come up on Jake's phone which is next to me "Jake you've got a message" I tell him "What's it say?" He smiles, I begin reading in my head and feel my body heat up and I become shocked and angry "Are you still not gonna smoke Cannabis anymore?" I glare at him and chuck his phone at his chest and stand up "Ell wait I can explain" he shouts grabbing my arm, "Explain what? How you forgot to tell me about your cannabis party?" I shout, yanking my arm out of his grip "No! I didn't want to tell you because of this reason" he shouts "I cannot believe you" I shout, squatting on the floor, putting both hands through my hair "What are you gonna do?" He asks, bending down stoking my hair "Don't touch me" I spit "You're not gonna do anything Ella" he smirks "Try me" I smirk back, grabbing his phone, "Ella give me that back" he shouts, with a serious look on his face, "Like I said. Try me!" I smirk, storming out the room, I hear someone's footsteps behind me but I refuse to turn around, another message comes through and I read "What happened to the old you?"
I'd had enough of the lies and before I knew it, I had threw his phone at the wall, hearing it smash, I come to a holt and slide down the wall, bringing my knees up to my chest, tears falling.
I feel lied to, betrayed and like I've waisted months on someone who had a disgusting habit and didn't tell me, I feel heartbroken, I feel someone push me so my head would sit on their shoulder and fit into the crook of their neck, I smell cologne but it doesn't smell like Jake's, I don't look up I just let the tears to continue falling, I realise I've made the persons white t-shirt have black stains on it and sit up, recognising the person, James.
"I've made black stains on your t-shirt" I sniff, he wipes a tear away and chuckles "Don't worry about it, and don't worry! I acted the same when I found out. We were in the X Factor at the time, it could've ruined our whole career and imagine, I went mad, we argued in front of fans and the press, he deleted his Twitter for weeks, it seems to have died down until now. Darlin how about me, you and Charlie go out for a Nando's to take your mind off this?" He smiles and helps me stand up, he picks up Jake's phone and walk into the dressing room, I hear mumbles and then the door open, revealing James and Charlie, Charlie hands me my blue Parker coat and we set off, its a bit icy so I hold onto Charlies arm because I'm a dopey blonde and will slip.

After Nando's we arrive back at the studio and I feel nervous as I see loads more people in the room, "Sorrb we're late" James shouts.
I become shy and quiet and take a seat in the corner on the floor, James gives me a sympathy smile and they all get to rehearsing, "Hi I'm Lauren" I hear, I look up and see 4 girls sit down forming a circle, "I'm Parisa" "I'm Betsy" "I'm Fleur"
"Hi, I'm Ella" I smile shyly "Oh! Your Jake's girlfriend" Betsy smiles, I nod and my facial expressions become sad and miserable "You ok darlin?" Fleur asks "Me and Jake had an argument before and I smashed his phone" I smile, "High five me bitch" Lauren laughs, I high five her hand with a confused look on my face "And that's how you handle an argument" she laughs again "We were having a discussion before on how to handle arguments with your boyfriend, and that's how you do it" Parisa tells me
"We're having a sleepover tonight, how about you come? I'll come with you to get your things if you want?" Betsy asks "Yeah, sure" I smile nodding
The girls are lovely, I can't wait for tonight.

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