Chapter Three

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Today I'm going out to lunch with Zoe, for a good earned catch up in Costa, I leave my hair to dry in a natural wave, after looking in my wardrobe for around 10 minutes, I pick out a cute red dress with a gold belt with white pumps, I have natural make up with a pale lip colour, I put on a black necklace with a silver heart on it, I spray my StromFlower By Cheryl and put my lip calm, concealer, purse, phone charger and phone in my white bag and grab my car keys to head out the door.
"Where are you going?" My dad asks sternly shooting a look at me "I'm meeting Zoe for lunch" I smile "Do you have money?" He asks, yet another question "Yeah I have £20 in my purse" I say pulling it out for proof, "That's not enough, here take this" he smiles lovingly handing me £40 "Dad seriously" I laugh slightly "Go!" He yells in a joking way pushing me towards the front door. I open the door to my light blue fiat and leave.
When I arrive I see Zoe sitting at a table texting on her phone, "Hey!" I smile, she stands up and pulls me into a hug "You look lovely" she smiles back "You too" I return the complement, "Oh my god! You see that guy" I whisper pointing towards Jake who entered Costa with a couple of other people "Yeah" she laughs slightly "Well, he comes into the pub sometimes with his mum and sister, I think he's so cute but with all the piercings and tattoos, my parents will never agree with it, especially my dad" I laugh causing her to laugh "Who cares! Go for it! What's stopping you? Your parents? Ella! You're 18, live your life" she smiles "Yeah I guess your right, I dunno, I'll just see how things go" I smile back.
We head out of Costa and I notice Jake looking at me, he gives me a smile and I return it, "Are you working tonight?" Zoe asks as we walk towards Top Shop "Yeah, come in and keep me company! Please" I laugh "Course I will"
The rest of the day we hang out and we end up agreeing that Zoe is sleep at my house tonight, so we head to her house to grab her things

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